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Shinetech Software
11-31 York Street,
Sydney NSW
+61 424 188 308

Shinetech Software

Service Scope: Realize modern enterprise business upgrading and innovation with the help of software

To maximize the value of collaborative innovation with customers, Shinetech has 21 offices in 7 countries worldwide, including 18 branches and R&D centers, providing 700+ Agile software engineers. To meet your development needs, we provide custom software development services and are committed to solving the challenges and problems encountered by enterprises in the process of digitalization. Shinetech Software is committed to helping your business thrive in the digital sphere.

Service field: more than 20 years of custom software development

Since Shinetech's founding 20+ years ago, we have customized and developed software for "speedy problem solving and commercial value" for customers in various niches: global IT, warehousing and logistics, e-commerce, education and training, tourism, intelligent breeding, catering, finance, insurance, medical, automobile and other industries. Our goal has been to help customers achieve innovative business development and management changes.

Our Customer Base: Covering 30 Countries, 1500+ Clients

In the more than 20 years of software development, we have been fortunate to cooperate with some growing SMEs and global top 500 multinational companies, including HP, Softbank, IKEA, Tencent, Coca-Cola, COFCO, BMW, Giti Tire, Decathlon, Bulgari Rei, Estee Lauder, Ralph Lauren, Mizuno, etc.

Odoo and digital transformation

As an Odoo partner, Shinetech aims to provide customers with global ERP solutions, including Odoo integration, upgrades, training, and other services. We also offer a wide range of knowledge and expertise – Shinetech dedicated developers specialize in numerous industries and technologies spanning hotel management, automotive, agriculture, home improvement, insurance, and many more. Our customers also encompass small, medium, and large enterprises. 

To provide a service of the highest standard, our dedicated developers branch out and look for adjacent technologies that can help our customers achieve more through software. Shinetech developers further specialize in eCommerce, cloud services, AI, ML, VR/AR, IoT and mobile development and pursue certifications to validate our approach and uphold high development standards. That is why when customers come to Shinetech, they can rest assured knowing that their development needs will always be met.

For more information, please visit our website:  Shinetech Software