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53 Gesr Al Suez,
Huckstep, El Nozha,
Cairo Governorate C
+20 100 689 9668


PRO TECH offers a diverse range of innovative software solutions and services tailored to enhance every aspect of business operations.

We are committed to cultivating enduring relationships that surpass customer expectations, guided by our unwavering commitment to excellence, as we consider our clients to be our most valuable asset.

As an Odoo provider, we specialize in assisting numerous companies in the seamless implementation of Odoo.

Odoo stands out as a highly user-friendly and forward-thinking ERP system. Unlike traditional solutions, it is designed with a focus on the future, ensuring to address your business needs and streamline core operations effortlessly.

PRO TECH specializes in the following tech solutions:

  • Odoo ERP Implementation
  • Odoo ERP Support
  • Business Consultation
  • Web Development


Al Attar
Al Attar Mobile Store

The store was established four years ago, in 2019.

We offer the largest variety of mobile phones, audio devices, laptops, wearable devices, game consoles and accessories.
At the best price and more than 15 payment methods.

and after sales services
There is also a special section for the maintenance of mobile phones of all kinds.
Al Shahin For Food (Fresh Farm)
Al Shahin Company for development and Food FRESH FARM is an Egyptian Shareholding company
specialized in processing and packaging all types of meat. The company and factories are based in “Al
Obour City” the city that’s ranked as the number one industrial city all over Egypt. Al Shahin is also the
sole owner of the highly rated Spanish brand “Martinez Barragan. The Spanish company who has been
founded in 1978 and based in Cordoba, Spain is considered to be one of the market leaders in the
European food industry. The acquisition of Martinez Barragan S.A. by Al Shahin S.A. that took place in
2014 has been labelled as a major step for Al Shahin in obtaining a valuable market share in the
European food market. A
RESH FARM all levels of operation are based on the implementation of an integrated management
system that complies with the requirements of the latest international standards for ISO 9001, FSSC
22000, ISO / IEC 17025, ISO 18001, ISO 14001

The company is committed to continuous improvement of the management and integrated system by
educating, training and motivating employees to carry out tasks in a responsible manner and to
emphasize the strategy of continuous professional development. FRESH FARM all levels of operation are
based on the implementation of an integrated management system that complies with the
requirements of the latest international standards for ISO 9001, FSSC 22000, ISO / IEC 17025, ISO 18001,
ISO 14001 Targeting an increasing market share in the food market in Egypt, Gulf, and African countries.
Vision Distinguishing the high quality of our products through a wide network of distribution outlets that
continuously meet customer expectations and confirm their satisfaction, and meet the requirements of
the parties involved in the activities of the company through the application and continuous
improvement of effective integrated management systems.
Cloverbrook Textiles Egypt
Cloverbrook Textiles Egypt is a British polyester fabric manufacture operating in Egypt, we make warp & weft knitted polyester fabrics for Apparel mainly such Sports & leisurewear fabrics and non-apparel fabrics such as Automotive interior fabrics and Mattress ticking fabrics.
We are proud to supply world class premium brands.

Egypt Germany for Food Industry
Egypt Germany is one of the leading Egyptian companies in the field of processed meat and poultry production. Following German Methodology in manufacturing.

Since 2011, Egypt Germany has introduced its unique Brand “Taste Pure “ to the Egyptian market with a high adherence to the international standard specifications, in addition to our commitment to create special items in order to meet all customers’ needs and satisfaction.

Food safety and quality has been always our highest priority starts from ingredients origin selection until it reaches to our consumer under the safest standard environment.

Egypt Germany keeps working hard to sustain product quality level locally and globally, considering our traditions, experience, knowledge, consumer behavior with the quality standards in all products.

Our brand is available in hypermarkets, supermarkets and grocery stores, making it easier for families and individuals to obtain our products. In addition, many hotels, restaurants and cafes that choose for their customers the highest quality of meat and poultry products rely on Egypt Germanys’ products.
Our products

Beef Luncheon Plain - Beef Luncheon Olive - Beef Luncheon with Beef Cubes- luncheon Basturma - Beef Luncheon Black Pepper – Beef Luncheon with Mushroom

Hot Dogs and Sausage: Beef Cocktail - Beef sausage - Chicken sausage - Italian Sausage - American Sausage - Turkish Sausage – Frankfurter – Hot Dog - Oriental

Air Dry meat:
Vacuum Basturma - Dry Salami - Grison – Bresaola - Peperoni

Smoked meat:
Smoked Turkey Breast - Smoked Chicken Breast - Smoked beef – Smoked Chicken Breast Lobs – Beef Bacon - Smoked Turkey Breast Lobes - Turkey Pastrami - Beef Pastrami - Smoked Duck Breast Lobes - Cooked Salami- Roasted Beef Trebianco - Smoked Beef Trebianco.
El Ammar Co for Agriculture Development, Poultry and Animal Production
شركة العمار للتنمية الزراعية والإنتاج الحيوانى والداجنى

 إستصلاح وتجهيز الأراضى بالمرافق الأساسية التى تجعلها قابلة للإستزراع وإستزراع الأراضى المستصلحة .
تربية جميع أنواع الحيوانات سواء كان ذلك لإنتاج السلالات أو الآلبان أو التسمين أو اللحوم .
تربية جميع أنواع الدواجن والطيور سواء كان ذلك لإنتاج السلالات أو التفريخ أو إنتاج البيض أو التسمين أو اللحوم .
إقامة المزراع السمكية وكذا صيد الأسماك .
إقامة وتشغيل مجزر لذبح وتهيئة الطيور الحية والدواجن .
إقامة وتشغيل مصنع لتصنيع المصنعات الخاصة باللحوم والطيور والدواجن المبردة والمجمدة والمجهزة والنصف مقلية .
إقامة وتشغيل ثلاجة لحفظ الحاصلات الزراعية والمنتجات الصناعية والمواد الغذائية وتبريدها أو تجميدها .
إقامة وتشغيل مصنع لتصنيع الآعلاف بكافة أنواعها وإضافات الآعلاف ومعالجة وتدوير مخلفات المجازر .
التصنيع لدى الغير وتأجير الثلاجات والفراغات .
عموم الإستيراد والتصدير وعلى الأخص إستيراد وتصدير اللحوم والدواجن المبردة والمجمدة والمنتجات الغذائية
Fresh Farm Factory
FRESH FARM Factory based in “Al Obour City” the city that’s ranked as the number one industrial city all over Egypt. Also the sole owner of the highly rated Spanish brand “Martinez Barragan. The Spanish company who has been founded in 1978 and based in Cordoba, Spain is considered to be one of the market leaders in the European food industry. The acquisition of Martinez Barragan S.A. by Al Shahin S.A. that took place in 2014 has been labelled as a major step for Al Shahin in obtaining a valuable market share in the European food market.

Future Company

انشات شركة فيوتشر سنة ٢٠١٠ هي شركة تضامن أساسها تجارة وتوزيع منتجات الألبان (كامل نيوزلندي وكامل سنغافوري) ومنتجات الكاكاو وايضا في بدائل الزبدة
(بديل زبده صب- بديل زبدة حشو - بديل زبدة تغطيس) وايضا المالتو ديكسترين والخ
برقم سجل تجاري
ولها عملاء مثل سايلو فودز و فيرست ميكس والرشيدي الاصلي للميزان وكاندي للحلويات
Ghandour Hospital Tenth of Ramadan
تعد المجموعة الطبية للغندور من الصروح الطبية العريقة، وتتعهد ادارة مجموعة الغندور الطبية ان تبذل قصارى جهدها لتتواجد
وتشارك اكبر عدد ممكن من مؤسسات المجتمع المدني و الجمعيات الأهلية و الخيرية و بشكل مستمر فى جهود المشاركات المجتمعية
والتخفيف من أعباء المجتمع والحكومة المصرية طبقا لتوجيهات السيد الدكتور/ عبد الله الغندور - رئيس مجلس الإدارة و تحت الإشراف
المباشر من السيد الدكتور/ محمد الغندور الرئيس التنفيذي للمجموعة.
نسعى دائماً لخدمة مجتمعنا و مصرنا الحبيبه بأرقى مستوى ممكن .. ونتمنى لكم دائما الصحة والسلامة
H Plus Enterprise
H⁺ was established as a Telecommunication & Electromechanical Contracting company specialized in
Engineering, procurements, Construction, and Several Services for the field of fiber & wireless
communications and to provide reliable and high quality contracting work.


Telecom, GSM, Enterprises, Civil, Solar Solutions, Smart Solutions, Construction, Fiber, FTTX, repair,
SAQ, Consulting, Structure Supply, and Engineering
H⁺ is one of the telecommunications market leaders, created with group of experts as Telecom networks
service provider for GSM, CDMA and Fixed networks operators.
Due to highly qualified staff with well-known reputation for quality service, the company managed to grow
and expand its array of services and presence to become a major Telecom service provider across Egypt.
H⁺ core business is a complete solution, covering all the essential implementation parts for the rollout of
the telecommunications projects.
H⁺ offers its clients a diversified services installation and maintenance base, including installation
engineering (IE), Civil Work Installation, Radio Planning, Drive Testing, BTS & Microwave
implementation, Core network implementation, Manage Service (Transmission & NMC) and maintenance
of telecom and non-telecom equipment (rectifiers, generators, air condition and lighting systems)
H⁺ is welling to be the most trusted name among all other telecom service providers in Egypt
Know how
Know How is advertising Services
Armed with diverse perspectives and experiences, our ingenious team works around the clock to bring our clients the most efficient experience. Not only by saving their money but foremost by saving their time, which is the most expensive currency in today's fast paced lifestyle.
Latteria For Food Industries
شركة لاتيريا للصناعات الغذائية هي واحدة من الشركات الرائدة في مجال صناعة الأغذية والمشروبات في مصر والشرق الأوسط التي
يبرز نشاطها تحديدا في عالم البودر . تأسست الشركة في عام 2020 على يد كل من السيد : أ / حامد عبد العزيز ملش – رئيس مجلس
الإدارة و السيد : أ / امين احمد طه – رئيس مجلس الإدارة و اللذين يمتلكون خبرة كبيرة في مجال صناعات الأغذية منذ اكثر من 20
رؤيتنا – مهمتنا – قيم الشركة
بكل الحب والتفاني، جئنا لتطوير هذه الصناعة في بلدنا الحبيب والإرتقاء بكل المنتجات التي تحمل أسم مصر داخل و خارج حدودها،
نسعي الى إعادة المنتج المصري مرة أخرى إلى مكانته والموقع الذي يستحقه. لقد كان دائما لدينا ثقة بأن الصناعة هي الداعم الرئيسي
لنهوض إقتصاد أي دولة متقدمة، لذلك كرسنا خبراتنا وجهودنا للنهوض بهذه الصناعة. لا نسعي لتحقيق المكاسب ولكن سعينا الأهم
والأكبر هو بناء كيان ضخم ليكون واحدا من رواد الصناعة في مصر و الشرق الأوسط . لهذا السبب أنفقنا جزءا كبيرا من رأس المال
لتطوير الماكينات والمعدات وفقا لأحدث التقنيات. كما نعلم جيدا أن رأس المال يتضاعف عندما يكون الاستثمار في الموارد البشرية، التي
أصبحت بالفعل من أهم الأصول الثابتة التي نمتلكها. ونحن فخورون بأن يكون لدينا كل هذه الكوادر من المحترفين، والمهنيين ضمن
فريق عمل لاتيريا للصناعات الغذائية . نعم لدينا فريق عمل محترف في جميع المجالات، وكان لهذا الفريق كثير من الفضل وراء
منتجات عالية الجودة. ونحن نؤمن بموظفينا ونتشرف بالتفاني والإخلاص الذي يبدونه تجاه الشركة. ونحن نعلم أنه بدعم موظفينا
وشركائنا في النجاح سوف نتوسع في ضخ مشاريع جديدة من شأنها أن تؤدي إلى التقدم والازدهار ليس فقط للشركة ولكن لبلدنا الحبيبة
مصر. وأخيرا، وفقا لقيم وعقيدة شركتنا التي تتمثل في ”الجودة والسلامة والصحة والنظافة والأسعار الجيدة“ والتي تعد دليل على قيمة
حقيقية لمنتج يستحق ما يدفع فيه، تؤكد لاتيريا ألتزامها بصناعة منتجات جيدة وأمنة لجميع أفراد العائلة. والحفاظ على المبادئ الأخلاقية
في العمل والقيم المجتمعية التي ستساعدنا بشكل كبير في تحقيق أحلامنا و تحويلها الى نجاح ملموس وأيضا في كسب احترام وثقة هذه
الصناعة. والشكر أولا لكم شرك اء و عملاء لاتيريا على ثقتكم الدائمة ودعمكم الدائم لنا، ونعدكم بالمزيد
بعض منتجات لاتيريا
1- لبن بودر كامل الدسم .
2- قهوة سريعة الذوبان .
3- لبن بودر خالى الدسم .
4- غيرها من المنتجات .
5- لبن محلي .
6- عصائر بودر
7- كريم شانتية .
8- مبيض
M.H. Enterprise is an Egyptian shareholding company founded in 2007. It
has been established on a solid technical foundation that is backed up
with a strong focus on delivering high quality services and cutting-edge
technology. Being able to combine market leading ICT solutions with
consistent high-quality services, our target is to move closer to becoming
a "single-source" supplier for the customer's information technology

To cope with the ever-growing demands of the market, we have recently
shifted from being a product provider to integrating comprehensive
solutions based on products from market-leading vendors. We have
established a competitive ICT portfolio of end-to-end solutions in
enterprise networks and cloud technology and services.
M.H. Enterprise understands your unique needs for which we can design, install,
and help you maintain an affordable secure and reliable network. Our broad range
of solutions means we can be your technology partner whatever your networking
and communications needs are–today, tomorrow and as you grow. Our reputation
is built on actions not half-truths, thanks to our team of highly qualified

We listen to customer’s needs, understand them and provide a unique tailor-made
solution accordingly. To us, each customer is a business partner that is why we
strive to deliver prompt and proficient after sales service to maintain our
Narmer American College
Narmer American College is an independent school which offers an American curriculum with American methods of learning. Founded in 2000, the school campus has outstanding facilities. Faculty experience represents over 50 different locations in the world. Our faculty work personally with each student, taking the responsibility of not only helping the students achieve their educational goals, but also preparing them for their future. The school achieves its mission & prepare students to succeed in the universities of their choice in Egypt and abroad. The PreK-12 curriculum is aligned with the AP Standards of learning following the College Board Standards for College Success CBSCS. We implement internal and external assessments and standardized testing such as IOWA tests.

Additionally internal assessments are conducted for students in grades 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. The PSAT is taken in Grade 10 and the SAT / SAT II in Grades 11 and/or 12. Regional academic.
Technology is integrated in our daily classroom practices with smart board technology including a dynamic academic Management system which enables students to follow and complete assignments and academics online. Laptops and IPad are essential on campus and our students learn to experiment and explore using the most advanced technological tools along with their own devices.

Our advanced Computer labs and fully equipped Science labs offer our students endless opportunities for learning and success. The fine arts department continues to expand its offerings and performances and a school Drama.

Who we are:
The school was founded in the year 2000 by Mr. Mohamed El Rashidy, an educator with an experience of 50 years in Education. The school campus has outstanding facilities. Our Faculty
members are highly experienced and qualified professional educators. Our teachers work personally with each student, taking the responsibility of not only helping the students achieve their educational goals, but also preparing them for their future.

As NAC experiences steady growth, we prepare our students for continued development and our teachers and students share a love of learning and they strive for excellence in all they do. One of our major goals is for NAC to prepare students for lives of leadership and citizenship, including service to their communities. Another goal is to nurture strength of character, which will enable students to accept the responsibilities of adulthood.
Orchtech is a software development Services Company established in Egypt since 2007 and has a branch in Zurich, Switzerland. Orchtech assists its clients in their digital transformation with suitable software solutions that adds value. Orchtech designs, develops and publishes mobile applications and portals. It’s services include distribution and implementation of WhatsUp Gold and NetSupport. Orchtech has its own application, Purple Bureau, which is a communication HR mobile solution. It empowers your team by its ease of use, manages requests from the application, can sign in/sign out, view salary details, serious gaming and others Orchtech solutions abide by the Egyptian Law 151/2020 for the protection of personal data and compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). It is a partner with Microsoft for Application Development. Following are examples of Orchtech work: The Egyptian Ministry of Planning and Economic Development portal, ClimaTech run portal in collaboration with the Ministry of International Cooperation, Allianz Egypt mobile application, Sanofi pharmaceuticals digital solutions, The Swiss Club in Egypt website and mobile application. Finally, Orchtech developed the mobile application for the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (125) that won the first prize in creativity and innovation at Governance Excellence Awards 2021.
SMA For Oil& Maritime Services
SMA for Oil & Maritime Services (SMA) was incorporated in December 2016 as a Free Zone Company and owned by holding company Egypt Pride Which is the main partner for General Electric Co (GE) DP Training Center in Alexandria -Egypt Since 2008, SMA is focused on the Development and production stages of both oil and in addition to Marine life-cycle.
SMA Headquarters is located in Egypt and holds a leading market position in the Oil and Gas Division in addition to introducing training and inspections services in the region, with global Operations across, North Africa, Middle East, and South Europe.
SMA for Oil & Maritime Services sole partner of MAERSK H2S safety service, sole partner of MAERSK training services, to provide superior - quality services in the oil and gas sectors.
To offer a wide variety of services ranging from marine and H2S safety services & training to Handling products such as optical gas imaging cameras, personal protective equipment, frog Baskets, disinfection robots, chartering tankers, LNG vessels & offshore vessels, premium partner with Teledyne FLIR company, premium partner with DRAGER, sole partner of reflex marine, oil and gas training center with the academy in Cairo and Alexandria.
Toxido is an ISO certified facility management company operating from Cairo, Egypt since 2013. The company services include: Pest control, Housekeeping, and security services, in addition to architectural and contracting services. Toxido has built strong equity in its field expertise and maintained trustworthy relationships with its client throw offering consistent high-quality service at a competitive cost. Toxido offer service solutions based on 25 years of experience in cleaning, and provide innovative solutions based on the latest trends in the industry. What makes us special is our relentless drive for Excellence. We have developed knowledge and processes over the years to fine-tune every single aspect of this area. And we are focused on training our people to perform cleaning in a superior way
Voyageurs d’Egypt for Touristic Projects
Ownership , establishment and management of tourist villages and floating hotels, and other ships, own and management all kinds of restaurants and tourist entities
شركة الاتحاد العربي الخليجي المحدودة
Arab Gulf United Co. Ltd - شركة الإتحاد العربى الخليجى المحدودة was established in 2007, specializing in industrial systems integration, process applications, control, and electric motors. They provide high-quality products in the fields of energy distribution, power generation, petrochemical industries, and infrastructure sectors.
شركة الهلال والنجمة الذهبية
ElHelal and Modern golden star - شركة الهلال والنجمة الذهبية is a global manufacturing company with a broad product range in household merchandise, plastic, metal & rubber accessories and product components.

The group was founded in 1961, and has been operating ever since with the help of over 1,000 people that are dedicated to the success of the company.

Today, HGS Group develops excellent and indispensable products for more than 25 markets worldwide, including cleaning articles, kitchen & bathroom products, home accessories, outdoor furniture, rubber doormats. As well as numerous plastic, metal and rubber product components for the B2B market.

Numerous factories (located in Egypt) have given HGS the agility and flexibility to respond to global market needs. It is proud to be among the few companies worldwide that have the capacity and professional means to customize all components of its final product from A to Z.