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Lumiere Systems Inc.
254 Chapman Rd, Ste 208 #9294
Newark, DE 19702
Stany Zjednoczone
+1 866 801 2654

Lumiere Systems Inc.

Lumiere Systems is a versatile & customer friendly Software Consulting firm, managed by professionals with decades of experience. We help all businesses agnostic of industry & size on their Odoo ERP journey guided by our matured & bespoke process guidelines. One size does not fit all, hence Lumiere defines processes based on the project needs. However, immaterial to the projects warrant adapting Extreme Programming or Agile or Waterfall or Rational Unified Processes, as a general thumb rule, Lumiere adheres the following guideline (either in end to end waterfall or waterfall withing each iteration or sprint of the project). 

Discover : Conduct shorter assessment through structured way of interviewing with stakeholders and discover the real need of the projects undertaken.

Determine : Determine the process gaps between out of the box Odoo functionalities and what customer wants and accordingly devise the implementation plan / road map of the project.

Define : Define the Project Charter, Business Requirements, Establish Requirements Traceability Matrix, Project Plan comprising of Cost, Schedule & Scope for each sprint or iteration and the Infrastructure required for the project. 

Develop : Develop custom programs and interfaces alongside out of the box odoo. Develop as per requirements and other artifacts on prior phases with mindset to reduce the amount of rework. Develop one usable logical group of functions per iteration with parallel & serial iterations being executed.

Deploy : Deploy in a production like environment, conduct various levels of testing before concluding the deployment

Deliver : After internally ensuring all quality checks, deliver it to the client, conduct post production testing before rolling out to destined production environment