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IdaA ERP Services DWC LLC
Office 117, Building C, Dubai World Central (DWC)
Dubai South
P.O. Box 390667 Dubai DU
Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie
+971 52 314 2700

IdaA ERP Services DWC LLC

IdaA ERP Services DWC LLC: established at the Dubai World Central, Logistics City, Dubai, UAE in 2013. IdaA provides Business Software and Implementation Services to organizations in the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East.

IdaA has an experienced consulting team with the required technical and functional expertise to ensure the success of projects and will provide complete support with a superior level of service and quality at a significant cost advantage.

We have successfully implemented business software solutions for our clients in Government, Group Companies, Multinationals, and GCC organizations over the last nine years.  Our business solutions are running companies involved in different business verticals from Manufacturing, Distribution, Services, and Finance.

Our mission with Odoo

Our mission with Odoo is to deliver excellence in Business Solutions to Organizations in the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East



Green Optima Air Conditioning
Green Optima is a reputable and experienced system integrator, delivering innovative, high-quality, and
economically orientated integrated building management solutions.
The company moved from a bookkeeping software to a cloud-based Odoo benefitting through a fully
integrated solution through Odoo.
Gulf Manufacturing
Gulf Manufacturing is a leading manufacturing company with its base manufacturing set up in Emirates
Industrial City, Sharjah, UAE. Gulf Manufacturing Co focusses on the manufacture of personal hygiene
products including Facial Tissues, Paper Napkins, Toilet Rolls, Pocket tissues, Wet wipes, Aluminum foil,
paper cups and related products.
Working together with the team at Gulf Manufacturing our project was successful in implementing
manufacturing at the company and connecting all the different business processes to manufacturing. The
transformation is from a company with manual processes to a fully connected online company through
NINE ERA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS (9eGlobal) is an Engineering Services management
consulting and professional services organization. 9e Global has established offices in Dubai with a team
of experienced professionals to cater to the requirements of client in middle east and global in the
construction and built environment.
The Odoo implementation at 9e Global provides an integrated ERP solution that covers all areas of its
business including HR, Projects, purchasing, sales, inventory management and finance.
Industry specific customisation for project based cost and revenue tracking, revenue recognition and
timesheet approvals and overheads costing is the value addition to the project from idaA development
team implemented and maintained on