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Glo Networks
Unit 10 Bridgend Business Park
Bennett Street
CF31 3SH Bridgend
Zjednoczone Królestwo
+44 330 223 0033

Glo Networks

Official Odoo Enterprise partners

Find out more about Odoo here

Chat to the team about getting started

We were the UK’s first Odoo partner to gain the 14.0 certification and we’re not stopping there as we strive to continue delivering a highly commended Odoo experience for our customers. Improve your business productivity and efficiency with the help of Odoo in your business. 

The Glo team are a widely experienced team with a wealth of knowledge and passion. Based in Bridgend, Wales, we deliver IT services, solutions and Odoo implementation to businesses across the country. 

Don't just take our word for it, we have happy customers you can chat with to help you make your decision.


Activewear Brands LTD
Activewear have embraced the flexibility of the Odoo system that allows them to integrate all of their systems into one at their own pace. This has been a huge success in balancing the change of system and maintaining the success of their current setup.
Autoguide Equipment Ltd
Autoguide gradually migrated their whole group onto Odoo, using the multi-company functionality available as standard. Introducing a smart and integrated rental process, incorporating serialised products, they later added integration with design software and the full use of Odoo's manufacturing capability.
Driftworks LTD
Driftworks decided to implement Odoo to streamline the inventory and product management set up, linked to their Magento web platform. The Magento connectorprovided the significant aspect to this project.
Local Pages
Local Pages found Odoo to be a great replacement for their old system and have gone from strength to strength by collaborating a bespoke module with Odoo’s standard applications to form a solution that perfectly answers their business needs.
Partisan Furniture
Partisan are a new start-up business looking to take advantage of Odoo's wide range of features in an affordable solution, enabling them to track and manage all activity as the company grows
Pearmine Health Ltd UK
Pearmine moved to Odoo to take advantage of the cost effective solution it offers to enahnce their manufacturing processes
Safety Belt Solutions Limited
Safety Belt Solutions have been empowered through the training delivered in order for them to make the most out of their Odoo system. Guiding them as well as giving them the tools to be self-sufficient have enabled SBS to progress in leaps and bounds.
TC Office
TC Group has jumped into the Odoo system with both feet and achieved great success. With no view to stopping, they are upgrading to the latest version of Odoo to continue their progression
Thane Direct Limited UK
Thane TV decided to replace Netsuite with Odoo in a short period of time to achieve great savings but also, introduce a new efficient and long term solution. Not only did this work for the UK business, but has been expanded across their European subsidiaries into one single solution....Odoo!
Work Stories seized the opportunity to streamline and enhance their manufacturing, inventory and sales processes to achieve better value, save time and money, and feed growth of their business.