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Ascetic Business Solution - USA

Ascetic Business Solution - USA

#1 Choice for Odoo Version Upgrade 

Odoo Certified expert team has experience with Odoo Technology Since 2009

The Most Trusted Brand Award Winner Team

We are passionate about the client’s success by adding value through consulting and Odoo implementation. We have been doing this since 2009. 

Our core values are contribution, services, and giving back to society to make it a better place to live for everyone. We believe in helping people and businesses use Odoo to make their lives easier and more effective overall. We have contributed more than 200 features to the Odoo community free of cost, thanks to our R&D team's consistent efforts.

Impact we have created through our Odoo Implementation​ Services 


👉 Odoo becomes your Hero Software

You just need to look at Odoo to get everything needed to make the right decision at the right time. 

👉 Odoo converts into one of the best investment decisions you have ever made

Working with us, you can entirely focus on your own business to grow -  We are always with you to help regarding Odoo stuff.

👉 You do business in a modernized way

Entirely new wibes spread across your organization that help you increase your sales, more productivity, centralized information system for better decision-making making, and peace of mind to think about the scale and growth of your business

Impact we have generated through our Odoo Consulting Service


👉 Tailored Utilization Strategy

Gain a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage Odoo's features effectively, tailored to fit your unique business needs, ensuring optimal use of the platform.

👉 Bridging the Gap

Receive expert advice on filling any gaps between Odoo's offerings and your business requirements, ensuring a seamless alignment of technology with business processes.

👉 Informed Customization Decisions

Get professional guidance on whether customization is necessary or if your needs can be met through existing functionalities, avoiding unnecessary alterations and expenses.

👉 Smooth Upgrade Path

Benefit from a dedicated service for version upgrades, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your business operations.

👉 Enhanced Efficiency and ROI

With our Odoo consulting service's focus on maximizing the use of standard features and avoiding unneeded customizations, expect to see improved operational efficiency and a better return on your Odoo investment.

👉 Odoo Becomes your key operational and BI tool

Working with us it could be possible that we convert Odoo together as  your business's second brain (of course, the first is YOU) from your thought of scraping up your investment in Odoo.

Impact after using our Odoo Version Upgrade 


👉 The direct benefit of the experience of handling 150+ Odoo upgrades

👉 Does Don't's - before and after version upgrade

👉 Close hand-holding during the upgrade process

👉 Supportive training while using the latest version

👉 Cleaning up the customized codebase to reduce 40% cost in the next upgrade

Benefit of using our Odoo Customization Services


👉 Customization is scrutinized closely by experts before it actually starts developing.

This is crucial for making sure only proper customization will be landed on your odoo implementation.

👉 You have full certainty about what customization will be done is actually needed.

This will make sure no unnecessary customization ever be part of your Odoo Implementation.

👉 You are never afraid to keep upgrading Odoo in the future.

Having controlled customization will reduce the cost and complexity of upgrading your Odoo the the latest version in the future.

👉 We do customization in the right way to make sure you leverage standard Odoo features.

We execute customization in a way that will extend Odoo’s standard version from simple to complex - no matter what.

Benefit of our Odoo Functional Training


👉 All the users do exactly how they are expected to use Odoo.

👉 You are now an enthusiast about exploring new apps and features of Odoo.

👉 You can check and evaluate to approve the new features developed for you.

👉 All users will feed accurate data to help you for better decision-making.

Why ASCETIC for Odoo Implementation (Unleash the true potential of your business with Odoo)

  1. Odoo implementation experience since 2009.
  2. 50+ industries expertise for Odoo Implementation.
  3. 100+ successful implementation for small to large scale projects for our direct clients.
  4. We have saved millions of dollars for our clients with very effective Odoo Implementation service.
  5. One-stop solution for software, hardware, product, and services for Odoo implementation.
  6. We do empower Odoo's official partners around the globe by delivering the best in class Odoo Implementation service.
  7. Enable your long term business growth with proper ROI realization along with Odoo Implementation.
  8. Experienced consultant team for providing Implementation services for Odoo cloud (, private cloud, and public cloud.
  9. End to end implementation expert who converts your vision into reality within a given timeline.
  10. We suggest the best practice to use Odoo features comes from a deep understanding of the business process.
  11. Proven expertise with the intent to improve the business' effectiveness through Odoo Implementation.

Why ASCETIC for Odoo Consultancy (Explore Odoo’s capabilities, reduces project cost and rework, get the critical problems solved)

  1. A team of consultants having decades of delivering value-added Odoo consulting services.
  2. Delivered 100k+ hours of best quality consulting services to our clients and official Odoo partners around the globe.
  3. Successfully executed 150+ consulting assignments for Odoo projects.
  4. 50+ industrial domains expertise for Odoo Consulting services.
  5. We have saved thousands of hours of development cost through our keen consulting services.
  6. We save costs for the Odoo official partners for their projects by providing world-class Odoo consulting services.
  7. Kind and humble Odoo expert consultants listen carefully and give an absolute solution for your special business process.
  8. Our team with deep product knowledge delivers best in class Odoo consulting services at any stage of your project to increase quality, save cost, and design industry-specific customize solutions.
  9. Our industry-specific standard document for the Business Process with GAP analysis gives a cost-efficient Odoo customize development plan.

Why ASCETIC for Odoo Development and customization  (Get the value-added custom features to extend standard Odoo Implementation to bring the best out of that)

  1. A team that developed 250k+ lines of optimized, value-added Odoo customized code.
  2. Successfully contributed 200+ projects with our expert customization skill for our Odoo official partner and our direct customers.
  3. Developed 5k+ Odoo customized modules and themes to support our clients' special business process.
  4. Get benefited from 15+ years of knowledge of Odoo technology with keen Odoo framework expertise.
  5. Design solution and customize Odoo with the right approach which results in high quality, readability, reusability, and extendibility.
  6. Extend Odoo’s features through respecting core functionality using the Odoo functional knowledge.
  7. 500+ various version features developed for the Odoo community, you can take extra advantage of this knowledge base to save cost.  
  8. Delivering international standard service to seamless customization and Odoo development. 
  9. Customer-friendly deployment processes to add new features that bring real value to our customer's Odoo implementations.
  10. Exceptional Odoo development team, delivering Odoo customization services to more than 40+ countries around the globe.
  11. Bring the best by integrating different systems with Odoo, through API and web services along with the AsceticEdge platform for seamless, quality solutions to grow your business.
  12. Get the customized modules for most compatible with the next version of Odoo.
  13. The highly motivated experienced developer team to setup Odoo development environment on Odoo cloud, private cloud, and public cloud.
  14. We are one of the most trusted outsourcing Odoo Development hubs for our many Odoo official partners around the globe.
  15. Our clients like how we understand the main aim of requirements and design a sensible solution for resolving the pain points.

Why ASCETIC for Odoo Version Upgrade / Migration Services   (Upgrade Odoo implementation to the latest version to use new features)

  1. We are leading a one-stop solution for total Odoo upgrade service - code migration and database migration at the same place.
  2. 150K+ lines of codes are migrated for our clients.
  3. More than 3K+ Odoo modules are successfully migrated to the new version.
  4. The team having experience in writing the migration script for database migration.
  5. You can test, verify, and validate your latest version of Odoo on the AsceticEdge platform before using that in Live.
  6. Tips to use the new version of Odoo more effectively based on your current business process.
  7. Reduce all your concern and get integrated, high quality, and affordable version migration services and solutions.
  8. Delivering seamless experience of the new version as your current version with the best advice to adopt the new standards.
  9. We offer customized module migration, community module migration, OCA module migration, the third party module migration.
  10. Our coordination with the Odoo SA  helps you giving exceptionally well experience of migrating your current Odoo to the new version.
  11. Experienced in-house Odoo upgrade team for Odoo cloud, private cloud, and public cloud to handle massive demand for Odoo code migration.
  12. Version upgrade is always challenging, but with ASCETIC, our customer simply loves to do it.
  13. Our quick response, personalised attention, and caring for clients' success attitude stands out from the crowd.

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