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APOORVA is a full-stack technology company founded in 2001 in Denver, Colorado. APOORVA specializes in implementing and supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Our AnythingDATA slogan comes from our relentless pursuit of clean data and successful data migrations that maximize your growth and profitability. We provide technology strategy, integrations, and digital transformation, leveraging the skills and experience of our 60+ Employees.


Ecologic Materials, Inc
90% of the world's plastic is not recycled.
...and we can use it to build better roads.​
Our process can prevent 3 tons of plastic, per lane, per mile of road from ending up in our oceans and landfills.
Our technology is backed by 30 years of research and development and is ready to scale.
Our asphalt modifier provides a sustainable, high-performance product that meets the needs of state and local governments as well as private industry.
Our goal is to simultaneously solve for the expense and tragedy of plastic waste while making roads cheaper, stronger, and longer lasting.  We provide relief from growing construction costs, reduced budgets, and crumbling infrastructure.
Our product does "a world of good" by doing well for the world.
Ski Trucks has everything you need to ride Utah’s “Greatest Snow on Earth.” Even on a modest student budget, you’ll find very affordable demos and new closeouts.

Whether you think a nice pair of ski boots would make an excellent Christmas gift, or if a full snowboard package is your thing, send Santa and your friends to SkiTrucks! You can find us at 1260 West North Temple, just west of the Utah State Fairpark, or check us out on the web at