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Skontaktuj się z partnerem w Stany Zjednoczone

16611 N 91st St
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Stany Zjednoczone
+1 310-597-0679


Looking to upgrade from Vend, Lightspeed, NCR Silver, NCR Counterpoint, ,Cin7, Micros, Aloha, Square, PayPal, Revel, QuickBooks, Xero, Gusto, Shopify, GoDaddy, Ewcid, Wix, Squarespace, etc, etc... 

Well so are we... we've implemented all of these solutions in the past, and continue to service and support these solutions for our legacy clients who are not quite ready to upgrade to Odoo.

The truth is most of these solutions do one or two things very well... but recently they have marketed themselves as all-in-one complete solutions, ready for every business, regardless of size or vertical. 

Additionally these solutions are no longer supporting 2-way native 3rd party integrations, and closing off most, if not all non-native 3rd party integrations. These gaps-in-service are now being serviced by lesser functioning solutions, created or acquired by these companies and labeled under their one banner in order to justify higher monthly software fees and enabling newly forced contract commitments upon their customers.

Their merger and acquisition activity has created artificial growth, their inability to provide support to these new clients is leaving business owners without options or answers and wondering "what's in store next month". New contract requirements and increased monthly fees for the exact same solution, with little to no improvement is bad for business owners caught in the crossfire. "Support is lacking" has become an understatement in recent years. 

Owners like you have been abandoned and left out in the cold; without direct support, a local service rep to call upon, and any interaction that is remotely human when addressing issues has vanished.

We firmly stand behind Odoo's business strategy of entrusting us with the sales, support and service of Odoo Enterprise software. Specialized partners like us, located in different regions and counties engaged in direct support and service allows you the business owner to focus on your business, your customers and your employees. 

We differentiate ourselves by being present with every client, we attend important meetings face-to-face and provide on-site training when requested. 

We support all of our clients to the best of our ability... when questions and issues arise, we answer our phones, respond to emails and support you directly. If we can't answer your questions immediately, we will conference in someone who can.

We are not looking to service a thousand clients, just a handful very good ones that value our services as much as we value their trust in our abilities!

We achieve success through modernizing, digitizing and automating your sales and marketing efforts; allowing your team to focus on expansion across your existing and future locations all while achieving success with the unavoidable ecommerce marketplaces (Amazon, E-Bay, Walmart, Home Depot, Etsy, Instagram, etc.)

We are a new Odoo partner with tons of experience in the Business Software Solutions industry... it all comes down to proper inventory management, on time deliverables, easy billing and payment options in order for you to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction.

Whether a 1000 SKUs or 500,000 SKUs... 1 location to 50 locations... B2B to B2C... brick-and-mortar to online... we've successfully helped owners increase gross revenues by 20-50% within the first 12-24 months, and consistently increase sales by 5-20% every year after until they've reached their goals.