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Skontaktuj się z partnerem w Luksemburg

Duarrefstross 31A
9944 Beiler
+352 20 88 20 52


Odoo: an essential partner – Everyone deserves IT comfort. 

ABAKUS IT-SOLUTIONS aims at providing the most comfortable IT experience possible. 

Her team of Odoo experts, are working an Agile and responsive way, not only for our customers  but also for our own Odoo ERP. The teams manage every project end to end:  

• Analysis of your needs 

• ROI analysis 

• Installation, deployment, and specific developments 

• Migrations 

• Integrating existing solutions into the Odoo environment 

• Training 

ABAKUS IT-SOLUTIONS uses Odoo for all its activities. Its consultants know the strengths and  innumerable adaptive capabilities of this software package and its integrated apps, with a  particular expertise in the following areas:  

• Inter-country accounting 

• Analytical accounting 

• Stock 

• Production 

• Projects 

• HR 

• Service Desk 

• Fleet 

• Sales and CRM 

• Events 

• Point of Sales 

• Connection with PayConiq 

ABAKUS IT-SOLUTIONS ensures the preventive, corrective, and scalable maintenance of your  Odoo environment, so that it continues to grow over time, and your company's ambitions.  

Our IT comfort experts also support you in managing your IT equipment, providing experts,  consulting and selling and leasing Computer Products.  

ABAKUS IT-SOLUTIONS does what it says and uses the products and solutions it offers. This is  especially the case for Odoo.