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On Win 7 64bit I installed the OpenERP set, went through the various installations and username/password setups, and took extensive notes.

1st: was the postgresql connection where I chose a username and password

2nd: was the new database with default master password of "admin", new database name, and then a unique password in the lower section. (localhost:8069/#action=database_manager

3rd: the main UI came up. (localhost:8069/?db=[database_name].....

4th: I filled in the account email and password.

When I go to localhost:8069/..... I am brought to the login screen with two values requested. None of my username/password combinations that I used while setting up this software worked. Also, I don't recall ever seeing this exact two-field login request during any part of the set up.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? Any ideas?

Thank you in advance for your input!



Silly I know, but its case sensitive!

Mark, I am having the same problem. I downloaded the Windows All-in-One, created a database with demo data to check it out. Then I logged out. When I tried to log back in, I tried all kinds of email and password combinations and it wouldn't let me back in. You'd think this would be somewhere in the installation docs. The default email address for administrator is when you create a database - either with demo data or without. But it won't accept that. Did you ever get an answer to this question that works? Thanks! Sandy

Best Answer

Hello Mark,

4) The database should be installed on my computer. How do I access "res_user" to check the usernames and passwords?

You will find all the tables of the particular database in to the pgAdmin.

Open the pgAdmin, Connect it to the server

Open Your Database > Schemas > Public > Tables > res_user

Right click on it > View Data > View All Rows

You will see all the records in that table.

Hope this will help. Thanks.


FYI: In Odoo 8, the passwords are now encrypted. You will no longer be able to recover them by viewing the database records.

Best Answer

Can only suggest

1)Usernames and passwords are case sensitive!

2)Try a reboot of your server!,

3)If using "chrome" try that!

4)If you have access to the data base ie phpgpadmin , see "res_user" for "usernames" and "passwords" just to check


Thank you for your answer.

Best Answer

David Dean just answered this on another question in this forum:

Put "admin" as the Email address (no @ symbol or anything else). 

Use the password you set up when you created the database.

You are logged back in!  

David mentioned that Email and Username are synonymous - you don't have to use an actual email address as the username even though the field is labeled "Email".

Best Answer

It looks like you have issues with logging in (#4).

Username: admin password: the password you specified when you made the database (step 2). It is not admin, but the password you typed in twice.

Best Answer

I'm running into the same problem and when I look in my database for the admin password I find this: login | password
 admin |
(1 row)

no password?

Autor Best Answer


1) I realize that usernames and passwords are case sensitive.

2) If by restarting the computer I have effectively restarted the server as well, then I have tried that. If I am mistaken, what did you mean?

3) I will try Google Chrome.

4) The database should be installed on my computer. How do I access "res_user" to check the usernames and passwords?

I noticed that when I go to the localhost:8069/# screen in Firefox I can go to "Backup" and I see that the proper database name is there and that it asks for the admin master password which I have not changed from the original "admin".

I'm still confused.

Thank you.
