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Odoo Roadshow

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Financial Services and Odoo

Transforming the future of your business!

Financial service companies have specific needs and Odoo addresses those needs by having a fully integrated suite of applications that allow them to maximize efficiency and save time on laborious tasks. This event will be geared towards financial service companies and professionals and we will be covering the following topics:

  • Collaborate in real-time with your entire finance team in a centralized application.
  • Communicate with colleagues and external users on any document.
  • Complete audit trail and traceability of all operations.  
  • Full-fledged zero-code report designer.
  • Multi-users, multi-companies, multi-currencies, multi-locations, multi-dimensions.

Explore the possibilities of streamlining your processes and working smartly with integrated business applications made with the user in mind. After the main presentation, we will keep the conversation going with our Odoo experts and professionals in the same sector. Come and revolutionize the way you work and stay organized both internally and with your customers.

Why should I attend?

•  Connect with our team through the live chat platform during the online event

•  Stay on top of the latest business management trends and technologies

•  Learn about new business technologies that are changing the way companies operate

How much are the tickets?
This event is completely free, but registration is required to save your spot.

How do I register for this event?

To register, simply click the green button at the top right side of the page. You can also register for more than one person - we encourage you to invite others that may be interested.

What is the language of the event?

This presentation will be given in the following language: English