Tourism Industry: Scoring a Hole-In-One
Lokacja: Bruyères - 04.10.2017, 15:30 - 04.10.2017, 15:50 (Europe/Brussels) (20 minut)
Tourism Industry: Scoring a Hole-In-One
Matts Fievez, Business Analyst - Odoo
Matts Fievez, Business Analyst - Odoo

Matts Fievez Business Advisor at Odoo since 1,5 years

The target audience for this talk: Beginners, prospects, people with interest in the tourism industry
The version covered will be Odoo Online

From this talk, people will learn about the flexibility of Odoo, the implementation methodology of the Online version, and managing a golf touring company with Odoo

What attendees can expect to learn from this presentation is how Odoo can perform in different cases and under different circumstances. 

The structure of this talk will be as follows:  
- The first part will be about where the customers came from and the how they used to do business
- Which tools did they use? How much time did they loose when using their solution? - First sales contact, and proposal of a demonstration
- Demonstration in which we recreated their specific business and checked, together with them, whether everything would fit in our standard solution.
- Starting off the project, agreeing to a specific phasing
- IMPORTS/Sales/Accounting/Project management
- Going live in 5-6 months, 100h pack