Porting Odoo To Python 3: An Overview
Lokacja: Aula Magna / Foyer du Lac - 04.10.2017, 14:30 - 04.10.2017, 14:50 (Europe/Brussels) (20 minut)
Porting Odoo To Python 3: An Overview
Olivier Dony - Software & SaaS Engineer, Security team, Odoo
Platform & Security at Odoo
Olivier Dony - Software & SaaS Engineer, Security team, Odoo
Platform & Security at Odoo

This talk will provide feedback on the strategy we followed to make Odoo compatible with Python 3 with the smallest set of changes possible.

It will highlight some interesting challenges and issues, and explain how we managed to stay compatible with Python 2.7 and Python 3 with a very small compatibility layer (at least for a while ;-))

This feedback might help developers migrate their own code to Python 3 for Odoo 11 in what we found to be the simplest and smoothest manner.

Some of the topics to be addressed include:

  - dealing with outdated libraries
  - a few important syntactic differences
  - the important API changes
  - and more subtle conversion problems...

It will be a good opportunity to ask any questions you might have about what Python 3 means for Odoo.