Best Tips and Tricks to Impress Clients During an Odoo Demo
Lokacja: Hocaille - 05.10.2017, 11:30 - 05.10.2017, 11:50 (Europe/Brussels) (20 minut)
Best Tips and Tricks to Impress Clients During an Odoo Demo
Brett Hydeman - Business Advisor, Odoo Inc.
Brett Hydeman - Business Advisor, Odoo Inc.

Brett is an account manager, direct sales consultant, and training coach at Odoo Inc. working out of the San Francisco office. He has contributed several webinar videos to the Odoo Youtube channel covering a variety of topics including HR, Manufacturing, and Inventory Stock Accounting.

Target audience: Beginners / expert, partners, direct sales, channel team, sales engineers, customer success teams
Version covered (incl. edition): V. 10 SaaS 15

What will people learn from this talk:
The Odoo platform covers such a wide range of business functions that it's hard to condense them all into one demo. One of the biggest challenges is deciding how to narrow it down and focus on the most effective functions for the most powerful presentation possible. Learn how to show off Odoo and keep your clients interested!

What should be expected from this presentation:
The presentation will cover the most common and critical Odoo modules (sales, CRM, inventory, etc.) highlighting the BEST features to present and HOW to present them. The idea is to focus on the functions and superpowers of the Odoo software that are proven to make potential clients say "wow."

The structure of this talk:
The talk will primarily be a walkthrough demo with a small number of introductory slides followed by a short summary and then a Q&A session where people can ask "how should I demo _____" etc.