How to resurrect dead projects and convert them into Success Stories.
Lokacja: Partners / Bruyères - 06.10.2016, 14:00 - 06.10.2016, 14:20 (Europe/Brussels) (20 minut)
How to resurrect dead projects and convert them into Success Stories.
Nhomar Hernández
Nhomar Hernández

What will people learn from this talk?

There are a LOT of mistakes we found on projects that we resurrect and today they are some of our biggest Success Stories.

How to combine a proper set of skills/services with products (Enterprise and Community) to ensure end-user satisfaction and help your clients get the most out of Odoo as an ERP.

How can we I benefit from this presentation?

  • Learn how to avoid mistakes that can make you lose a LOT of money, time, and effort.

  • Maintain long-lasting customer satisfaction even with major changes through proper implementation.

  • Win better qualified projects.

  • Discover real case studies of happy Odoo clients and see what made these projects successful.