2-day training: Odoo Deployment & Performance
Lokacja: Congrès (left) - 03.10.2016, 09:00 - 04.10.2016, 01:00 (Europe/Brussels) (16 godzin)

What will you learn?

Configuring, maintaining, and monitoring  your own Odoo deployment. 

This training will help you learn strategies and best practices for deploying your own instance of Odoo. During this training we will cover all the core principals of deployment such as managing installation, updates, and optimization for daily use.


Linux command line
Ubuntu package manager
Odoo command line
PostgreSQL basics
Nginx basics
A laptop running VirtualBox

Why should you attend?

Quickly learn how to deploy, configure, update, and monitor your Odoo deployment.

Avoid common deployment pitfalls, saving your organization time and resources.
This training is for an intermediate level. It's ideal for anyone who's in charge of deploying or maintain a deployement of Odoo onsite, like the sysadmin of a company which has Odoo deployed in their company.

Table of Contents

Day 1

Starting Point VM Ubuntu server 16.04 with only SSH 

  • Install Odoo on Linux Ubuntu 16.04
  • Deploy Nginx
  • Configure Odoo
  • Deploy Etherpad
  • Configure PosgtreSQL

Day 2

  • Backup a PosgtreSQL database 
  • Configure PostgreSQL streaming replication
  • Deploy Munin 
  • Update your code and your database 
  • Profiling

Practical Info

Location: Aula Magna, Place Raymond Lemaire, 1 - 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium

Dates: Monday Oct 3rd to Tuesday Oct 4th

Lunch and drinks are included for each day of the training.