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Lokacja: Portal 1 - 5.11.2019, 15:30 - 5.11.2019, 15:50 (US/Pacific) (20 minut) for Developers
Gautham Yerroju, Client Solution Developer at Odoo
Gautham Yerroju, Client Solution Developer at Odoo

Gautham is a Client Solutions Developer at Odoo Inc. He works with clients to customize Odoo to their specific business needs. He also trains clients and partners on the Odoo backend framework. Gautham likes to experiment with Odoo and leverage it's flexibility for various client projects. is a continuous deployment cloud hosting platform for Odoo. The platform is meant to host the Odoo database of your companies while giving the possibility to develop and deploy new features in no time. In addition, you do not have to worry about the hassle of the hosting as Odoo manages everything for you: availability, backups, redundancy, monitoring and so on. The talk will introduce you to the features provides for developers. The feature branch workflow for which has been designed will be explained. Then, the creation of an app from development to the deployment in production will be shown.