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EINFO-Tech 易捷讯科技
518000 深圳
+86 0755 2828 2314

EINFO-Tech 易捷讯科技

Einfo-Tech 易捷讯(深圳)科技有限公司是一家专注于企业数字化转型与全球化发展的科技型企业。我们提供基于 Odoo 的系统实施、定制化开发、培训赋能、运维托管、财务咨询等服务,并为客户提供海外公司注册、银行开户、财税合规等解决方案。公司在深圳、广州、西安、海南、香港均设有分支机构,积累了大量海内外客户成功案例和行业案例。

  1. 专业团队:拥有10年 Odoo 行业经验,包括POS零售、线上商城新零售、跨国多公司国际贸易、智能制造、外籍人员子女国际学校、软件服务业等。公司的售前顾问、开发和交付团队成员具备丰富的项目成功经验,拥有中文、粤语、英语、德语的沟通能力。
  2. 资质认证:公司获得了“专精特新”企业和国家高新技术企业的资质认证,拥有100多项软件著作权。团队成员通过了 Odoo 14、15、16、17 版本的官方认证,并持有 PMP、ACP、IPMA 等国际项目管理证书,确保项目管理的专业性和严谨性。
  3. 业务范围:我们的服务涵盖Odoo、财务咨询、企业出海合规。
    1. Odoo服务:产品咨询、系统实施、培训赋能、定制开发、运维托管。
    2. 财务咨询:股权架构(多组织)设计、税务咨询、融资咨询、劳务关系、经营会计体系搭建等。
    3. 企业出海合规:海外公司注册、VAT、知识产权、审计、海外投资备案等。

        Einfo-Tech (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd. is a technology enterprise focusing on the digital transformation and globalization of enterprises. We provide Odoo-based system implementation, customized development, training and empowerment, O&M hosting, financial consulting and other services, as well as overseas company registration, bank account opening, tax compliance and other solutions. The company has branches in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Hainan and Hong Kong, and has accumulated a large number of successful cases of domestic and overseas customers and industry cases.

  1. Professional Team: With 10 years of Odoo industry experience, including POS retail, online mall new retail, multinational multi-company international trade, smart manufacturing, international schools for expatriate children, and software service industry. The company's pre-sales consultants, development and delivery team members have a wealth of successful project experience and communication skills in Chinese, Cantonese, English and German.
  2. Qualification: The company has obtained the qualification certification of “These are the top performers among specialized” enterprise and national high-tech enterprise, and owns more than 100 software copyrights. Our team members have passed the official certifications of Odoo 14, 15, 16 and 17 versions, and hold international project management certificates such as PMP, ACP, IPMA, etc., which ensure the professionalism and rigor of project management.
  3. Business Scope: Our services cover Odoo, financial consulting, and corporate offshore compliance.
    1. Odoo services: product consulting, system implementation, training and empowerment, customized development, operation and maintenance hosting.
    2. Financial consulting: equity structure (multi-organization) design, tax consulting, financing consulting, labor relations, business accounting system construction, etc.
    3. Enterprise Overseas Compliance: Overseas company registration, VAT, intellectual property rights, auditing, overseas investment filing, etc.



AMQ Limited
AMQ is a financial services company that offers online trading in shares, contracts for difference (CFDs) and foreign exchange across world markets.
AMQ 是一家金融服务公司,在全球市场提供股票、差价合约 (CFD) 和外汇的在线交易。
Canal Electronic Co., Ltd.
Canal 成立于 1981 年,专业从事机电元件的工程、製造和 B2B。 我们拥有 ISO9001 和 ISO14001 认证,并引入符合 RoHS 和 Reach 要求的环保材料。 产品获得欧美国家主要安全认证。
Datamax OSI Limited
Datamax OSI Limited ( is an IT consulting service & end-to-end system integration services company.
Geek 极咖科技
OTW Technology Pty Ltd.
OTW Tech 是一家领先的澳大利亚IT解决方案提供商,致力于为中小型企业及大型企业提供全面的IT支持和服务。作为海康威视和大华在澳大利亚的国家级代理商,OTW Tech的专业服务涵盖了网络安全、云计算、IT咨询与战略等多个领域。他们专注于优化客户的IT环境,降低运营风险和成本,帮助企业实现更高效、更安全的技术运维。

OTW Tech is a leading Australian IT solutions provider dedicated to providing comprehensive IT support and services to small, medium and large enterprises. As the national distributor of Hikvision and Dahua in Australia, OTW Tech's professional services cover a wide range of areas including network security, cloud computing, IT consulting and strategy. They focus on optimizing customers' IT environments, reducing operational risks and costs, and helping enterprises achieve more efficient and secure technology operations and maintenance.

Pangea International Limited
Pangea International Limited 是香港领先的手机配件分销商和零售商。凭借12年的深度积累,赢得了大量用户的信任,并以优质的产品和卓越的客户服务而自豪。Pangea始终以客户为中心,致力于为零售商提供卓越的产品和服务。

Pangea International Limited is a leading distributor and retailer of cell phone accessories in Hong Kong. With 12 years of in-depth experience, it has earned the trust of a large number of users and prides itself on quality products and excellent customer service.Pangea is always customer-focused and committed to providing retailers with exceptional products and services.
Thoroughfare International Inc.
Thoroughfare International Inc 是一家专注于仓储、物流、代购、海淘及海外商业谈判一体化服务的公司,在温哥华、多伦多、深圳和香港等地均设有门店和物流仓库。公司通过B2B2C模式,结合Odoo电商综合平台,为客户提供线上下单、物流追踪、货物代发等全方位的物流服务,深受海内外众多消费者的支持。
Thoroughfare International Inc is a company specializing in integrated services of warehousing, logistics, shopping on behalf of customers, seafood and overseas business negotiation, with stores and logistics warehouses in Vancouver, Toronto, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Through the B2B2C model, combined with the Odoo e-commerce integrated platform, the company provides customers with a full range of logistics services such as online ordering, logistics tracking, and shipment on behalf of customers, which is well supported by many consumers at home and abroad.
佳慧通信科技有限公司(Gateway Technology Development Company Limited)
安达康股份有限公司 IC Intracom
安达康股份有限公司(安达康-IC Intracom)(以太联 Intellinet)1987年于德国成立,以制造和分销高质量、创新网络和消费电子产品。以太联Intellinet产品行销全球100多个国家/地区的70.000多家公司,且由欧美亚三大洲分各公司提供在地服务。与安达康合作,提供实现企业梦想和经济支柱的解决方案, 安达康的网络产品主要支持以下垂直行业:安全系统、影音通讯、电力设备、数据通信、电话通讯。
广州中国大酒店 (Marriott Hotel, Guangzhou)
广州中国大酒店(China Hotel Guangzhou)作为广州最受欢迎的豪华酒店之一,酒店地处广州的黄金位置——坐落于南粤古龙脉所在地,是广州城市文化的核心区域,于越秀公园和流花湖公园之间,闹中取静,环境舒适。

Guangzhou JAIA is an international trading company specializing in the production and sales of leather goods. The company has branches in Guangzhou and Italy, where the Guangzhou company is responsible for sourcing, design and production, while the Italian company focuses on sales and brand promotion.JAIA realizes cross-border collaborative work through the Odoo platform, making full use of multi-time zone, multi-currency and multi-language functions, and successfully realizes cross-border integrated management of purchase, sales, inventory and finance.


Founded in 2011, wuliucat Automation specializes in the development of high-speed sorting hardware and software, and its products are widely used in e-commerce and city distribution systems. Using Odoo's manufacturing management and financial management functions, Jingmei Automation has fully optimized its business and financial integration processes, and significantly improved its internal and external manufacturing and financial collaboration capabilities.


Oppein Cabinets Caxi Ltd. is a branch of Oppein Home Furnishings Co. which covers the services of marketing, sales and installation overseas. . Through the Odoo platform's functional modules of official website, purchasing, inventory, sales, code scanning and PDA, it realises one-stop management from promotion to delivery.
深圳市摩尔机电设备有限公司/勤益电子有限公司(QYSMT)于2006年在中国深圳成立,专业从事SMT机器和备件超过15年,坚持 "一站式解决方案",拥有经验丰富的专业团队,为包括博世、迪克森、松下、三星、TCL、Cliptech等国内外客户提供经济、实用、合适的解决方案。
科地通信(ACORID) 是一家以PoE技术为核心的物联网解决方案提供商,致力于为全球客户提供领先、可靠,专业的PoE传输设备与解决方案,自2007年成立以来,公司专注PoE技术研究,为客户提供安防专用PoE交换机、音频专用PoE交换机、工业PoE交换机、以太网交换机、数据中心交换机,无线覆盖解决方案、X-Sight云管理方案、工业物联网传输解决方案等优质的产品及服务。

Founded in 2002, HeiFu Technology specializes in the design and manufacturing of server chassis. Through Odoo's MPS and MRP functions, it realizes the refinement of manufacturing business and financial management. Through work order management, it realizes manual work hour counting and material costing, and accurately controls the cost of each manufacturing order.