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Modern HR Tools: a 360° overview


2020년 04월 14일 10시 30분 00초 2020년 04월 14일 12시 00분 00초
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Are you an HR-manager, employee retention specialist or recruiter? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the multiple challenges you are facing in those times of remote working? Then join our upcoming on-line event!

Our speaker will present how to solve the issues HR managers face on a daily basis in a completely innovative way. You will be able to vote during the presentation and choose what topics you want our speaker to tackle live with Odoo. Here's a few examples:

  • How to create an amazing on-boarding experience with a paperless process from recruitment, the signature of the contract to the signature of your internal policies
  • How to help your employees evolve using digital tools: eLearning, smart appraisals etc.

  • How to centralize all your employees' needs in apps: expenses, leave requests, ...

  • How to manage the approval cycle of specific documents and/or requests 
    .... and much more!
You will also have the opportunity to ask your questions live and he will answer them during the Q&A session. You will learn how a modern and integrated approach to HR can truly boost your company. Register for free to receive the conference link!

The presentation will be given in English.

See what time the webinar starts in your timezone here: Timezone converter