Azza Medical Services

Azza Medical Services

Azza Medical Services was founded in 1998 and considered one of the oldest leading companies supplying and maintaining modern medical equipments:

X-ray equipment Equipments


As a suppliers of medical X-ray High-Frequency Generator from, Azza medical Co. must meet the highest standards of Quality in the industry. Quality starts at the design level and permeates through out the organization to archive reliable and extremely performing products.

The GXR-SD Series is a diagnostic digital radiography system providing reliable high quality digital radiographic images with reduced dose.

The GXR-SD DR systems provides comprehensive digital solutions to all radiography needs, featuring ACQUIDR digital imaging system with stationary or portable digital flat-panel detectors, reliable high-frequency x-ray generator which has worldwide reputation on excellent performance, lifetime and stability. Also user-friendly designed various tube stands, patient table and wall stand are offered for user¢¥s choice. The GXR-SD Series DR system will improves your workflow, exam throughput and efficiency with excellent performance.