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Skontaktuj się z partnerem w Holandia

Dubbelmonde 38
4761NL Zevenbergen NB
+31 85 018 4300


Oranje Wood was establish by Krijn Kok to start an association that every company around the world can relate to. We are a group of expertise that able to implement Odoo to make your company success using it and able to boost your company vitality. No matter you are a small, big company or Multi National company. We have been in the field since 2010 and have gigantic experience working in OpenERP/Odoo. We experts in analyzing the business requirements and implementation the module/ applications to meet the business needs. We are concentrated on providing innovative solutions that are powerful yet simple.


Powerfield Netherlands BV
Een schone, duurzame en leefbare wereld voor u en de volgende generaties. Powerfield draagt hier aan bij door continu te blijven innoveren en verbreden in de energietransitie. Ze ontwikkelen, realiseren en beheren zonneparken, laadpalen en opslagsystemen.