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Skontaktuj się z partnerem w Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie

Illumine Business Solutions
Silicon Oasis
Dubai DU
Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie
+971 55 368 9884

Illumine Business Solutions

At Illumine, we are equipped to offer world-class technology solutions to SME’s, with over 10 years’ experience in providing software solutions. Our solutions are tailored to the needs of modern-day businesses technological needs and are localized to the region.


Odoo with its fleet of applications is at the core of our solution offering enabling us to provide the customer a complete solution for a seamless operation in one platform.


We are specialized in providing solutions to the following industries;

  • Retail, Trading & distribution
  • Service and maintenance
  • Contracting services
  • Government & public sector
  • Professional services
  • Finance
  • Manufacturing
  • Educational services.


Our team of experienced professionals will assist you with your business needs helping you on your implementation journey. Our in-house software development team will help you make this software your own, by customizing applications and assisting with unique digitalizing needs.


With offices located in the United Arab Emirates, Australia, and Sri Lanka, we cover different regions' localized needs efficiently and effectively using our broad solution offering.