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Editor d.o.o.
Velika Pot 29
5250 Solkan
+386 82 001 770

Editor d.o.o.

We have been running Odoo in our organization since 2013 and almost all our business processes run inside Odoo. As a service company we value the modern CRM, the fully integrated sales cycle, project management and time-sheets. But we also developed many custom and localization modules like e-invoices, travel orders, accounting reports etc. which allow us to run all our business on Odoo. The new website builder presents a new opportunity, because it allows to create stunning landing pages with no coding.


Armanov started its business based on an idea of promoting excellence in shooting, which remains our passion and a vision. Almost all their products are built in house and made in Europe and they are sold not only throughout the Europe, but also worldwide. Armanov uses Odoo to manage most of their business operations, from manufacturing to sales, warehouse, quality and even their websites.
AviRings d.o.o., AviRings d.o.o.
AviRings ltd. is company based in Slovenia - Europe, developing high technology products, basically in the racing pigeon segment. They believe that pigeon racing with modern solution provided by AviRings products, make more fun and joy for the fanciers. Avirings uses Odoo to manage their sales, marketing and invoicing.
Cestel d.o.o. ‒ SI90511867
Established in 1992, Cestel is a leading provider of automatic traffic counters and in Slovenia and a leading world producer of bridge weigh-in-motion systems. We helped them implement all the critical business processes, from CRM, sales, warehouse and manufacturing to delivery in Odoo. By using our localization modules they are able to meet all local legal requirements.
Edita d.o.o,
Gašper trženje d.o.o.
The family company Gašper has been going on for forty years, this comes from the harmony with nature and from using the wood as a renewable source. They are a leader in the production of high-quality windows, doors and semi-products made of wood in Slovenia. We developed a special integration with windows manufacturing software Klaes, this way they were able to move all their business operations to Odoo. Today they manage all their sales, warehousing, manufacturing, marketing and much more in Odoo.
JMR d.o.o. is a specialized online store representing the brands Edenberg, Michelino, Alpina and Schafer on the Slovenian market and managed by JMR d.o.o. Odoo is used as the primary e-commerce and sales platform.
KIMESTA d.o.o.
Kimesta is a well established international B2B wholesale supplier for the medical and wood sector. They operate in the sector of trade commerce, logistics and technical advice.
Klevio transforms your existing locks into smart locks and delivers even more. It’s the complete smart access control solution for your space, share and revoke keys in seconds, know who enters and issue permanent or time-limited keys as you need. Klevio has been using Odoo to manage warehouse, manufacturing and purchase proceses for many years.
KraftPal SI Holding d.o.o.
KraftPal Technologies have developed proprietary technologies for both corrugated cardboard pallets and production process. Pallet designs meet international logistics standards as for wooden pallets in regards to performance characteristics. An automated mass-production manufacturing process integrates all developed pallet designs. Kraftpal uses Odoo to manage all core operations from CRM, Sales, purchase, manufacturing, invoicing and accounting. Since Kraftpal is an international corporation they take full advantage of the multicompany features and accounting consolidation.
LightAct d.o.o.
LightAct is the ultimate projection mapping platform. With its advanced 3D-based workflow, cutting-edge camera projector calibration, and intuitive manual warping and blending tools, LightAct gives you everything you need to create jaw-dropping projections that captivate and engage audiences. As a small company LightAct is able to manage the whole business in one software suite.
Lupit Pole d.o.o.
The excellence of Pole, Aerial, Yoga and Fitness equipment is one of the leading manufacturers of this type of equipment in the world. Thanks to Odoo, Lupit Pole was able to consolidate all their business management needs in a single solution. The whole business flow from purchase to stock, CRM sales, manufacturing, delivery and invoicing is handled by Odoo. Also, their e-commerce website and Amazon sales channels are fully integrated thanks to the Odoo API and their complex worldwide shipping needs are met trough the Odoo shipping providers.
MOTOR d.o.o.
MOTOR, poslovno in finančno svetovanje d.o.o., Poslovna enota MLEKARNA BEKA, 1871846001
Makinate d.o.o.
The website is one of the leading used industrial machines portals in Europe. The custom developed website seamlesly integrates with Odoo trough the open API and all the sales operations can be easily performed in Odoo witouth having to manually move data around.
Merel d.o.o.
Since 1989 Merel d.o.o. represents commitment to customers by offering analytical equipment from different world leading producers on local markets. Merel d.o.o. today employs 15 talented and dedicated staff, spread over three offices in three countries. Thanks to Odoo Merel is able to manage their manufacturing and warehousing needs effectively.
Mesi d.o.o.
Mesi's mission is to simplify diagnostics and help discover diseases earlier. As a manufacturer of medical grade devices, they need a modern ERP that could keep track of every manufactured unit. Odoo proved to be the ideal solution with full manufacturing traceability, product life-cycle management, quality check points, warehouse management and much more.
Nevron d.o.o.
Nevron is a leading provider of Interactive IPTV and converged Infotainment solutions for Hospitality, Healthcare, Enterprise, Marine, Education and other industries. Based in Slovenia, EU, operating globally, they develop content platforms with an impressive portfolio of projects and clients in the hospitality, maritime and residential environments. Odoo helps them streamline all their operations, from CRM, Sales, Stock and even accounting.
Proconcrete d.o.o.
Part of the Projekt d.d. group, Pro-Concrete is a Slovenian company that primarily offers prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of all kinds. In addition, they offer the supply of various mezzanine panels suitable for residential and industrial construction and prefabricated bathroom modules. They use Odoo for marketing and sales activities including their web presence.
Reflecta Solutions
For many years, REFLECTA® have been producing and perfecting advanced intelligent industrial lighting systems in order to guarantee customers energy-efficient, long-lasting lighting solutions. Reflecta has been running on Odoo since v9, we helped our client in setting warehouse, manufacturing, sales and invoicing operations as well as migration from Odoo community to Enterprise.
Slovenijales trgovina d.o.o.
Slovenijales Trgovina is a specialized trading company with 70 years of experience dealing with the purchase and sale of merchandise in domestic and foreign markets. An integral part of their activity is the chain of shopping centres Hobby with carpentry workshops, in which they offer services such as custom made furniture pieces, cutting and trimming of wooden panels for individual buyers and also for small scale production companies. Odoo is one of the main tools used in their sales proces and it also helps to manage their helpdesk activities.
Teknol d.o.o
Teknol is a specialised process eqipment supplier serving pharmacutical, food, chemical, mineral, metal and energy sectors. They provide engineering expertise to our clients and sales support to their process equipment providers. Odoo is used to manage all of their commercial activities.
Tronius d.o.o.
Teknol is a specialised process eqipment supplier serving pharmacutical, food, chemical, mineral, metal and energy sectors. They provide engineering expertise to our clients and sales support to their process equipment providers. Odoo is used to manage all of their commercial activities.
Valens Int d.o.o.
Varspoj d.o.o.
Podjetje VARSPOJ, d.o.o. je družinsko podjetje, ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo tehnično dovršenih izdelkov iz plastičnih mas za avtomobilsko industrijo, belo tehniko, ventilacijske sisteme in gradbeništvo. Ustanovljeno je bilo leta 1990 in se je sprva ukvarjalo z obdelavo kovin na ekscentričnih strojih, kovinarska obrt pa se je kasneje preoblikovala v plastično predelovalno obrt, specializirano za predelavo termoplastov. Podjetje trenutno zaposluje 14 ljudi, letno pa proizvede in proda preko 20 milijonov proizvodov za slovenski, predvsem pa tuji trg.
Podjetje VARSPOJ, d.o.o. je opremljeno z najnovejšimi brizgalnimi stroji in drugo tehnologijo za predelavo termoplastov. Kupcem nudi celoten nabor storitev od razvoja in izdelave orodij v sodelovanju z drugimi podjetji do proizvodnje in dostave končnih izdelkov. Podjetje je pridobilo mednarodni certifikat za standard vodenja kakovosti ISO 9001:2015, skladno s certifikatom UL pa pri proizvodnji uporablja izključno kakovostne in v mednarodno certificiranih laboratorijih preverjene materiale.
Zavod Mreža Podjetništva, CEED
More than 1000 brutally honest founders took their business to the next level thanks to CEED Slovenia. They are part of CEED Global, an international network of entrepreneurs in 15 locations around the globe with 20.000+ members worldwide. Odoo is being used to manage all their event activities, from member invitations, to attendance management.
mackh ag
Grassl Glass is pursuing traditional glass making techniques with a focus on functional wine-centric glassware design. They preserve traditional craftsmanship with a balance between functional design and aesthetics. Odoo is the main platform to manage sales and stock activities of their glass products sold in over 34 countries.