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Digital Intelligence of Information Technology
North Khobar, Front Ajdan Walk, Prince Musaed St, Cross 2, 1st Floor, Office 104
Eastern Province
31952 Alkhobar, Eastern Province
Arabia Saudyjska
+966 590115616 / +973 36744458

Digital Intelligence of Information Technology

Digint is a pioneer IT services and software development provider offering business transformation and automation through cutting-edge tech services and digital transformation solutions.

We empower businesses through consulting, core modernization services, and digital touchpoints to create insight-based business models for a digital brand to alter the way that your customers feel about your business and services.

Founded in 2016, Digint works closely with ambitious clients to overcome challenging tasks and scale new heights.

Our mission is to help businesses of any size or industry harness the full potential of information technology.


Al-Faraby Medical Group

مجموعة الفارابي الطبية هي شركة سعودية رائدة في القطاع الصحى. تأسست عام 1994م. ويقع فرعها الرئيسي في الدمام، المنطقة الشرقية، في المملكة العربية السعودية. سميت الشركة بهذا الاسم نسبة الى العالم المسلم الفارابي (أبو نصر محمد بن محمد الفارابي). لقد كان الفارابي عالماً و فيلسوفاً مشهوراً ومعلما عظيما في عصر الاسلام الذهبي و عاش بين 260 هـ / 874 م و 339 هـ / 950 م . ومن هنا اقترن اسم الشركة باسم هذا العالم العظيم، فإن تفانيه و التزامه للعلم مصدر الهام لنا و دافعنا نحو المستقبل.

Al-Faraby Medical Group is a Saudi National Company and one of the leading pioneers in the health care field. The company was established in 1994. It is headquartered in Dammam City, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. The Company is named after Al Faraby (Abu Nasr Mohammad Bin Mohammed Al Faraby) known in the West as Alpharabius. He was a renowned scientist and philosopher of the Islamic Golden Age and lived between 874 AD and 950 AD. He was a great and remarkable Muslim Scholar and teacher of his era. Al Faraby lifelong devotion and total commitment to promote knowledge and human prosperity are our guiding spirit to our new endeavor.

Gulf Co-Operation Symbols Cont Co. LTD.
GCS is a prominent general contracting and construction company. We are a grade one classified contractor in all our discipline of our works and we have been in construction and contracting business since than three decades and with international presence and business operates Saudi Arabia, Bahrain & Oman in the GCC countries.
NABIL A. ABU NHAYA & PARTNER Co., is an experienced Contractor in the total field of New Construction and Maintenance and rehabilitation works and Concrete Repair specialist.

Using the wide experience over the years of our in house staff and plant and machinery we are also able to provide the full range of construction services related to maintenance work including new building work and the alterations to existing buildings and maintenance work on existing building coupled with and as an adjunct to our concrete repair expertise.
Sadeen Arabia
Arabian Sadeen was established in 2013 as a result of the collaboration between two regional market leaders, ‘Al Khuzaimy’ and ‘Sadeen Group’ to create a privately held real estate investment company based in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia.

Sadeen Group establishes itself as a leading developer in the Middle East & Europe by focusing on customer needs and their growing interest in residential, leisure, and commercial developments.

Sadeen Group has the technical and operational ability to deliver large scale residential projects and has access to broad financial assets to ensure sustained development of its projects. Arabian Sadeen has pledged its commitment to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to deliver turnkey housing and commercial projects according to Saudi Arabian ministerial requirements.
Saria Alenjaz Co.
SARIA Al-Enjaz Office established in 1993, is a registered Consultancy Office based in Saudi Arabia (Eastern Province).
We offer professional consultancy services in several fields specializing .