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Baystream Corporation
1200 McGill College
Suite 1100
Montreal, QC H3B 4G7
+1 800-909-8000

Baystream Corporation

Company Overview

Baystream operates as a Managed Service Provider (MSP), and Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) and Software Developer, with specialized units dedicated to different aspects of IT. We tailor our standard solutions to meet individual business needs. Our focus areas:

  • Document Management & Process Optimization: Creating custom workflows and database structures using tools like M-Files and SQL.
  • IT Security & Cryptography: Offering comprehensive security measures, including threat assessment, legal compliance, risk management, and continuous monitoring.
  • Digitization Processes & Classifications: Converting physical documents into digital formats, catering to different industrial requirements.
  • Managed Service Provider Functions: Partnering with platforms like Microsoft Azure and Oracle for cloud architecture design, application management, and disaster recovery.
  • Software Development: Crafting customized applications using M-Files, Odoo, and other platforms.

Odoo ERP Integration: M-Files Connection

Integrating Odoo with M-Files offers a practical solution for managing both your Document Management System and ERP needs. This integration is designed to function across Odoo Enterprise/Community and all M-Files versions, providing a consistent experience. By linking commercial transactions, documents, core objects, and more, the integration enables more efficient handling of essential business operations. Whether your focus is on document management within Odoo or extending M-Files' capabilities with ERP functions, this integration serves as a functional connector between the two platforms. Explore the details below to see how this straightforward integration can fit your business needs.

Centralized Document Management

  • Unified Repository: M-Files centralizes all documents in one repository, streamlining access and enhancing team collaboration.
  • Efficient Access: Using metadata-driven structures, users can retrieve files based on content, bypassing their storage location.

Access and Security Control

  • Permission Settings: M-Files enables granular control over who can view, edit, or delete files, upholding company security protocols.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The platform assists in meeting standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO by providing tools for

documentation and audit trails.

Document Versioning

  • Automatic Versioning: The platform monitors document versions, allowing users to revert or compare changes when necessary.
  • Integrity Maintenance: This feature guarantees the consistency and accuracy of all document versions.

Collaboration and Workflows

  • Real-time Collaboration: Multiple users can edit a document simultaneously, promoting instant feedback and productivity.
  • Workflow Automation: M-Files empowers users to automate routine tasks and configure custom workflows that mirror their specific


Mobility and Accessibility

  • Device Compatibility: Documents are accessible from a plethora of devices, including mobile phones and tablets, emphasizing a flexible work environment.
  • Remote Access: Essential documents are available regardless of time or location, promoting business continuity.

Integration and Scalability

  • System Integration: Seamless integration with enterprise systems like CRM, ERP, and email clients is achievable with M-Files.
  • Flexible Scaling: The platform adapts to both small businesses and large corporations, ensuring scalability.

Support and Training

  • Customer Assistance: Offering guidance and training on M-Files maximizes the customer's return on investment.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Providing customers with essential resources and information ensures an optimized experience with M-Files.

Environmental and Disaster Management

  • Eco-friendly Approach: A paperless office approach makes M-Files an environmentally responsible choice.
  • Data Protection: Advanced backup and recovery tools protect vital business documents from unintentional deletions or unforeseen mishaps.

How Odoo is integrated to Baystream Processes

In the evolving landscape of digital technology, the right tools are only the beginning. Baystream offers more than mere implementations; we provide solutions that not only complement your core systems like Odoo ERP but also reinforce the overall efficiency of your organization. These integrations are synergistically aligned to enhance your business's capabilities. Let's discover how our partnered solutions can be tailored to become essential assets, creating powerful synergies that make technology truly work for you.


Lansweeper offers a robust solution for comprehensive IT asset management, covering various aspects like discovery, inventory, licensing, configuration, monitoring, reporting, and security. It provides businesses with visibility and control over their IT landscape, enhancing efficiency, security, compliance, and cost optimization.

Asset Discovery and Inventory:

  • Automatic Scanning: Lansweeper can automatically scan and discover all network devices, including Windows, Mac, Linux, VMware, and network devices like printers, routers, and switches.
  • Detailed Inventory: It provides a detailed inventory of all hardware components and software applications, licenses, and usage across the network.

Software License Management:

  • License Compliance: Helps in tracking and managing software licenses, ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
  • Cost Optimization: By identifying unused or redundant software licenses, it can help in optimizing software expenditure.

Hardware Lifecycle Management:

  • Lifecycle Tracking: Allows the monitoring of hardware from procurement to retirement, facilitating proper asset management and budgeting.
  • Warranty Monitoring: Tracks warranty status and alerts for upcoming expirations, aiding in timely renewals or replacements.

Configuration Management:

  • Centralized Configuration: Enables centralized management of device configurations and settings, ensuring uniformity and compliance

with organizational standards.

  • Change Tracking: Monitors changes to configurations, helping in troubleshooting and maintaining security standards.

Network Monitoring:

  • Health Monitoring: Provides real-time insights into the health and performance of network devices, allowing for proactive issue detection

and resolution.

  • Alerts and Notifications: Sends automated alerts for critical issues, ensuring timely intervention.

Reporting and Analytics:

  • Customizable Reports: Offers a wide range of customizable reporting options to meet specific organizational needs.
  • Trends and Insights: Facilitates the analysis of trends and provides actionable insights for informed decision-making.

User Management:

  • Access Control: Enables the setting of user roles and permissions, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access or modify asset


  • User Engagement: Engages end-users with self-service portals, easing the workload on IT staff.

Security and Compliance:

  • Security Auditing: Helps in identifying security vulnerabilities and assists in maintaining compliance with various regulatory standards.
  • Patch Management: Facilitates the centralized management of software patches, keeping systems up to date and secure.

Integration and Scalability:

  • Integration with Other Tools: Lansweeper can be integrated with other IT management and helpdesk tools, providing a unified solution.
  • Scalable Solution: Whether a small business or a large enterprise, Lansweeper can scale to meet different organizational needs.

Support and Training:

  • Dedicated Support: As a reseller, offering support and training ensures that customers can fully utilize the tool.
  • Community and Knowledge Base: Lansweeper also has an active community and extensive knowledge base that can aid users in problem-solving.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a comprehensive cloud computing platform developed by Microsoft that offers a wide range of services, including those related to online data storage. Baystream utilizes Microsoft Azure for various purposes, with some examples listed below:

Hosting and Managing Online

  • Virtual Machines: Azure provides scalable virtual machines that can be tailored to specific needs, whether hosting a website, application, or other services.
  • Container Services: Offers container orchestration through services like Kubernetes, allowing for efficient deployment and scaling of applications.
  • Managed Databases: Hosts a wide range of database services that are fully managed, providing automated backups, updates, and scaling.
  • Hybrid Connectivity: Hybrid cloud solutions, allowing for integration with on-premises data centers.

Creating and Managing Apps

  • Azure DevOps: Facilitate continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), enhancing collaboration among development teams.
  • Process Monitoring: Full-stack monitoring, advanced analytics, and intelligent insights to ensure apps are performing optimally.
  • SLA and Cybersecurity: Automation to make sure Disaster Recovery, Backups, Vulnerabilities and Patch Management keep all elements fully hardened and SLA compliant

Ansible and Terraform

By leveraging Ansible for automation, organizations can achieve consistent settings across their infrastructure, simplify the setup process for servers and applications, and ensure smooth and continuous updates.

Making Settings Consistent

  • Playbooks: Utilizes YAML-based playbooks to ensure consistency in system configuration across various environments.
  • Roles: Defines roles to encapsulate configurations and behaviors, making sure that the systems follow the same setup patterns.

Setting Up Easily

  • Simple Syntax: Utilizes human-readable YAML language, making scripting easier even for those with limited programming experience.
  • Modules: Offers pre-built modules to handle common tasks, simplifying the setup of servers and applications.
  • Agentless Architecture: Does not require agents on target systems, allowing for seamless setup and minimizing management overhead.

Updating Continuously

  • Continuous Deployment: Integrates with CI/CD pipelines, enabling continuous updates and smooth transitions between development, testing, and production.
  • Version Control Integration: Works seamlessly with version control systems like Git to manage code changes and deployments effectively.
  • Rollback Mechanism: Provides mechanisms for rollback in case of failure, ensuring that changes can be reverted smoothly if needed.


ControlMap is an online platform designed to assist companies in achieving and maintaining compliance with various Governance Frameworks such as SOC and ISO 27001.

Risk Management and Audit Preparedness

  • Risk Assessments: Assists comprehensive risk assessments to align with regulatory requirements.
  • Compliance Calendars: Tracks deadlines for compliance activities.
  • Automated Evidence Collection: Automates evidence collection for audit validations.

Control Framework and Regulatory Alignment

  • Standard and Regulation Mapping: Supports mapping to ISO, HIPAA, SOX, GDPR, etc.
  • Control Testing: Validates Governance controls' functionality.
  • Policy Management: Aligns company policies with regulations and standards.

Compliance Demonstration and Transparency

  • Compliance Reporting: Generates customized regulatory reports.
  • Third-Party Management: Ensures tracking of vendor compliance with regulations.
  • Audit Trails: Provides detailed logs for transparency in auditing.

Efficiency in Compliance Management

  • Template-Based Approaches: Speeds up compliance program setup.
  • Real-Time Compliance Monitoring: Offers continuous compliance status monitoring.
  • Training and Knowledge Base: Educates staff on compliance best practices.

Incident and Data Privacy Management

  • Incident Response Planning: Assists in creating incident response plans.
  • Data Privacy Management: Ensures compliance with privacy laws.

Vendor and Third-Party Compliance

  • Vendor Compliance Assessments: Evaluates vendors' compliance standards.