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Liberty House
DIFC, Office 414
Dubai DU
Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie
+97143884960 / +9613052949


As an official Odoo partner, ATSON specializes in delivering comprehensive and customized solutions tailored to your business needs from A to Z.

Harnessing the power of Odoo's robust ERP system to streamline operations, optimize efficiency, and drive growth.


Bano Trading Sal
Founded in 1995, Bano has placed itself on the market of supplying innovative products of raw materials, utensils and machinery for the industries of Chocolate, Bakery, Pastry, Ice cream and Horeca with the vision of supplying only under the name of quality.

The Challenge: Bano allied with Puratos, a Belgium based company in order to expand into new markets in the MENA. It required them to have a unified system and aligned with Puratos.

ATSON helped Bano Trading via analyzing existing processes for Bano Lebanon, gather requirements from Puratos Belgium and provide a solution blueprints that implements both parties requirements.

Then ATSON implemented the solution in all the MENA region and in two countries in Africa and providing after go live support and maintenance.
Hameedan Group
Hameedan Group has revolutionized its livestock operations with our tailored Odoo implementation, integrating tracking, costing, and intensive reporting seamlessly. The solution offers real-time analytics on livestock health and cost management, enabling precise decision-making and enhanced operational control. With our advanced reporting tools, Hameedan Group efficiently monitors its business, ensuring optimal profitability and resource allocation. This strategic integration drives competitive market performance and operational efficiency.

"مجموعة حميدان : مجموعة شركات بدأت نشاطها الأولي عام 1961 على يد مؤسسها المرحوم "حميدان السهيلي "
اعتمدت في بدايتها على توزيع اللحوم الطازجة الى كافة مناطق بغداد والمحافظات العراقية بالإضافة الى تأسيس مصانع للدباغة في منطقة النهروان قرب بغداد وذلك من أجل دباغة الجلود الطبيعية بكافة انواعها . تعاقب على ادارة مجلس ادارة المجموعة ابناء المرحوم "حميدان" حيث قاموا بتطويرها ورفعها الى اعلى المستويات العالمية في مجالاتها , و إضافة الى جانب نشاطها في توزيع اللحوم ودباغة الجلود تم انشاء مزارع لتربية وتسمين العجول تبلغ مساحتها أكثر من 400 ألف متر مربع في منطقة بسماية في العراق ,, وايضاً تقوم شركات المجموعة باستيراد اللحوم المجمدة ومختلف المواد الغذائية من مختلف المصادر العالمية خاصة (البرازيل , اميركا الجنوبية ,افريقيا , شرق اسيا )
Lebohneur has revolutionized its business operations with our tailored Odoo solution, seamlessly integrating Sales, Inventory, HR, Accounting, and Manufacturing. Enhanced controls over sales and credit, automated invoice templates, and robust analytics enable efficient operations and informed decision-making. This holistic approach has boosted Lebohneur's productivity and profitability, setting new standards in operational excellence.
Merideos International Trading FZ-LLC
Merideos has streamlined its trading operations with our customized Odoo implementation, handling transactions mainly in Euros and USD. The process efficiently converts Purchase Orders into Purchase Invoices, automatically updating inventory with essential details. Sales operations are optimized with detailed invoices issued after customer approval, maintaining clarity and compliance with payment terms. Their dropshiping inventory model supports non-physical warehouses for tracking diverse products like Wood and Machinery, ensuring precise financial control and operational efficiency.