Odoo Experience 2018
Empower Your App by Inheriting from 8 Mixins
위치: Aula Magna / Foyer du Lac - 18. 10. 3. 오후 4:30 - 18. 10. 3. 오후 5:20 (Europe/Brussels) (50분)
Empower Your App by Inheriting from 8 Mixins
Yannick Tivisse, Developer - Odoo
Python & Javascript Developer at Odoo
Yannick Tivisse, Developer - Odoo
Python & Javascript Developer at Odoo

Let us recode everything from scratch. Or not.

The use case for this presentation will be a plant nursery implementation. During this session we'll present several powerful  abstract classes from Odoo, including:

  • mail.thread

  • mail.activity.mixin

  • mail.alias.mixin

  • rating.mixin

  • utm.mixin

  • portal.mixin

  • website.seo.metadata

  • website.published.mixin

  • website.multi.mixin

  • website.published.multi.mixin