Electronic House
شركة اليكترونيك تعمل فى مجال استيراد وتجارة المكونات والاجهزة الاليكترونية .وتم اختيار الفرع الاول لها بباب اللوق الذى اصبح السوق الرئيسى لتجارة الاجهزة والاليكترونيات تزامنا مع تواجد وظهور الشركة به .
وبعد اطلاق تاتقمار الصناعية (الانالوج) دخلت الشركة سوق تجارة اجهزة الاستقبال من الاقمار الصناعية بكافة مكوناتها وقد استطاعت الشركة ان تتربع على عرش السوق المصرى وان تحتل المكانة الاولى بالسوق والتى مكنتها من الانتشار فى ربوع مصر المختلفة .
ومع بداية عصر الاجهزة الرقمية (الديجيتال) واطلاق القمر الصناعى المصرى نايل سات قطعت الشركة عهدا على نفسها بان يتمكن كل مصرى من مشاهدة قنوات الاقمار الصناعيةوخاصة القمر المصرى نايل سات فتعاقدت الشركة مع كبرى الشركات المصنعة لاجهزة الاستقبال فى كوريا الجنوبية والتى حازت قبول كل المصريين بفضل كفأتها وسرعة تطوير برامج تشغيلها .
ومع زيادة عملاء الشركة فى ربوع جمهورية مصر العربية تم افتتاح فروع جديدة بالاسواق الرئيسية بمدينتى القاهرة والاسكندرية حتى وصل عدد فروعها الى عشرة فروع للشركة منتشرة بالاسواق الرئيسية للاليكرونيات سواء فى القاهرة او الاسكندرية .
وتم اعداد مركز خدمة وصيانة معتمد من بين هذة الفروع لخدمة عملاء الشركة وليقوم بتنفيذ كافة التركيبات والشبكات للمنازل والعمارات والفنادق والقرى السياحية وذلك لكافة الاجهزة والمكونات التى تستوردها الشركة وتبيعها لعملائها سواء من الافراد او التجار بجميع محافظات الجمهورية وبالاضافة الى نشر مندوبى الشركة وسيارتها بكافة مدن جمهورية مصر العربية .
كما تبزل الشركة قصارى جهدها فى اختيار العاملين بالشركة حتى يكونوا على اعلى مستوى من الكفائة التى تمكنهم من تنفيذ سياسة الشركة وخدمة عملائها وقد بلغ عدد العاملين نحو 177 عاملا وموظفا جميعهم من متوسطى العمر والشباب اصحاب الخبرة والعلم وقد تم وضع نظاما للاجور والحوافز والمكافأت والمعاملة الحسنة ليضمن ولاء جميع العاملين وليوثق علاقاتهم وولائهم وانتمائهم للشركة .
Farhgaly Sons
Ibrahim Farghaly Sons was found and established by Ibrahim Farghaly in 1957 in Alexandria, Egypt. The company, which was formerly known as El Nasr, started off by selling children’s toys that were imported from Germany and Japan from the 50s to the 60s . During that time, Ibrahim Farghaly Sons started incorporating stationery items from huge and worldwide stationery brands, we were agents of the German trademarks Schneider ,Staedtler and Geha, as well as the famous French pen brand Bic. Back then, Bic was a very outstanding brand this day, those brands are locally manufactured in Egypt and are currently highly consumed by Egyptians and it wouldn’t have happened if they weren’t introduced back then by Ibrahim Farghaly in the 70s. Decades later, Ibrahim Farghaly’s sons carried his legacy and continued to manage the branches stores Mayorista/Minorista2H Group
2H Group is the ultimate beauty destination in Alexandria and we are now online! We have been in the beauty business for over 19 years, we are the beauty experts! At 2H Group, we offer the best in fragrance, makeup, skincare, and beauty accessories from all of your favorite international beauty brands. Splurge on all of your beauty essentials at 2H Group! Mayorista/Minorista2sHomewear
2S HOMEWEAR2S Egypt is one of the greatest online/ offline plateforms selling Home Wear in Egypt, Every month, 2segypt.com attracts more than 350,000 visits to its catalog of more than 1200 products in different categories, including women's, men's and kids' pajamas, underwear, sweatpants, sweatshirts, leggings, thermal wear, and other products. Established in 1985, 2Segypt.com today operates both as an award-winning retail business and an online plateform that allows SMEs, merchants, brands, and distributors to distribute their products online.
2Segypt's social media posts reach more than 6m people per month.
2Segypt has more than 350,000 followers on Facebook and more than 130,000 followers on Instagram
Mission : To provide Home Wear products of superior quality, great variety and at the best value, to suit all members of the Egyptian Family.
Vision: We seek to be the best Home Wear retailer company in Egypt, providing the best online and offline service.
https://www.2segypt.com/ Mayorista/Minorista
Since our incorporation in the beginning of 80’s, AL MAHABA GROUP for trading and the industrial business has made a distinguishing mark in the industry through its products. A prominent Manufacturer, Supplier, exporter and trader in nature we offer a world-class gamut of EVA Granules, Reprocessed PVC Compounds, Eva Compounds, Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP), Dibuty l phthalate (DBP), and finished products like Slippers, Sandals, Shoes Flip-flops, sport shoes and various others. Manufactured using a series of high-precision machines. Mayorista/MinoristaARC TECHNOLOGIES
ARC Technologies offers a wide range of class-A electromechanical products, solutions and services. With strategic intimacy to its customers the company provides offerings for new installations as well as providing the needed services, retrofit and maintenance for existing installations. Mayorista/MinoristaAZ Egypt
• In 1997, “AZ Wood & Decoration” Retail Company was establishedfocusing on introducing Quality brands of laminate flooring to Egypt
• In 2003, a sister company was established by the name of “AZ for
Flooring” , for Imports to supply the market and “AZ Wood & Decoration”
• In 2011, it was a management decision to acquire “AZ Wood &
Decoration” and “AZ for Flooring” to unit them into a new company named
“AZ Egypt” with trademark “AZ Home”
The sole ownership of the company has always remained within the
founding family.
Our goal
Our company has opened its doors in 1997. We have established an
ideology of providing high quality and durable products to the Egyptian
market. Mayorista/Minorista