Hello everyone.
Recently, I found that I would like to have country name set as default so user will not have to pick it from list (because most of our customers are local - UK).
So to do it I modified class in res_country.py ...
class Country(osv.osv):
_name = 'res.country'
_description = 'Country'
def _get_country_name(self):
res = self.env['res.country'].search([('name','=','United Kingdom')])
print res
return res
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Country Name',
help='The full name of the country.', required=True, translate=True),
'code': fields.char('Country Code', size=2,
help='The ISO country code in two chars.\n'
'You can use this field for quick search.'),
'address_format': fields.text('Address Format', help="""You can state here the usual format to use for the \
addresses belonging to this country.\n\nYou can use the python-style string patern with all the field of the address \
(for example, use '%(street)s' to display the field 'street') plus
\n%(state_name)s: the name of the state
\n%(state_code)s: the code of the state
\n%(country_name)s: the name of the country
\n%(country_code)s: the code of the country"""),
'currency_id': fields.many2one('res.currency', 'Currency'),
'image': fields.binary("Image"),
'country_group_ids': fields.many2many('res.country.group', 'res_country_res_country_group_rel', 'res_country_id', 'res_country_group_id', string='Country Groups'),
_sql_constraints = [
('name_uniq', 'unique (name)',
'The name of the country must be unique !'),
('code_uniq', 'unique (code)',
'The code of the country must be unique !')
_defaults = {
'address_format': "%(street)s\n%(street2)s\n%(city)s %(state_code)s %(zip)s\n%(country_name)s",
'name': _get_country_name,
I was hoping that it is so easy to achieve but unfortunately .... is not.
How can I achieve it ?
Would anyone tell me what is the best method ?
Don't know why I tried to achieve it in such complicated way .... ;)
The easiest way is via the UI:
(For v7 but it hasn't changed).
Since this is just a record, you can export it like any other to move it from one database to another.