Capital Y FZCO
Capital Y FZCO
About Capital Y FZCO:

Capital Y is a multi-specialty polyclinic located in Lebanon offering a comprehensive range of medical services for both outpatients and families. Their core focus lies in providing personalized care through a team of qualified medical professionals and utilizing cutting-edge technology. The clinic boasts a well-equipped facility with an emphasis on creating a comfortable and welcoming environment for all patients. Additionally, Capital Y offers a variety of aesthetic procedures as part of their holistic approach to health and well-being..



Capital Y's multi-faceted dental product manufacturing demands precision at every stage, from managing diverse components and intricate workflows to navigating multi-currency exchanges and fluctuating accounting standards across three countries. This complex operational landscape calls for a robust and adaptable system to ensure seamless integration, optimal efficiency, and unwavering accuracy.



For Capital Y, Odoo ERP proved the ideal architect of operational harmony. Its modular structure seamlessly integrates multi-layered manufacturing processes, diverse inventory controls, and fluctuating exchange rates across Lebanon, Egypt, and Slovakia. With real-time data visibility and customizable dashboards, Capital Y gains precise oversight, ensuring quality control at every stage. Odoo's multi-currency accounting eliminates manual complexities, streamlining financial tasks and safeguarding accuracy. This comprehensive solution empowers Capital Y to navigate its intricate landscape with agility and confidence, paving the way for optimized efficiency and sustained growth.

NUMED is a Lebanese and Middle East based company that provides and manufactures medical and nutrition clinical equipment along with general and customized educational tools adapted for the local and international populations. NUMED offers services, including the development and production of any 2-D or 3-D product (i.e. fake food) adapted exactly to personal or institution needs.

Their Challenges: Numed have been trying to develop their own system the last 3 years without reaching a satisfying result to serve their business needs, adding to that they have a challenge keeping track of their customers’ data and requirements in a well-structured form along with different price list per customer, as well as keeping track of all RFQ and POs from supplier in one single place. The current system has a limitation in managing multiple warehouse and multiple location to ease the search for raw

materials and semi-finished products in the inventory. Another challenge was that they had a concern regarding choosing a local software to run their business on since this might affect the continuity of the support for the solution, those challenges needed Odoo ERP Software.

Azkatech, the official Odoo gold partner helped Numed through the full Odoo ERP Implementation which enabled them to manage all its task from end-to-end from one single place and in an integrated way between all stakeholders. Their Odoo implementation was challenging due to the very specific needs for their industry.
Unipharm s.a.l.
Unipharm s.a.l.
About Company:
Focusing on its field of specialization, Unipharm has been working in the import, promotion and distribution of various pharmaceuticals, para-pharmaceuticals and veterinary products. Unipharm was brave enough to take up the challenge and succeeded in covering many hospitals and pharmacies in Lebanon. Thanks to efforts exerted by a dedicated team, Unipharm was able to establish a very solid and privileged relationship with all clients. Unipharm won thus the trust of its Internal and External Stakeholders.

1. Legacy Server-Based Solution: Unipharm's outdated infrastructure led to inefficiencies, hindering collaboration and data flow between departments.

2. Data Silos: Lack of integration between inventory and accounting software resulted in disparate data sources, impacting decision-making and operational agility.

3. Accessibility: Limited access to real-time data hampered Unipharm's ability to make informed, timely decisions.

4. Data Trust: Concerns about data accuracy and reliability affected the overall trust in the information generated by their existing systems.

Solution Provided:

1. Integrated Modern Solution: Implemented Odoo, a comprehensive and integrated business management solution, connecting previously isolated functions and promoting seamless data flow.

2. Data Integration: Established robust connections between inventory and accounting modules within Odoo, breaking down data silos and ensuring a unified source of truth.

3. Accessibility: Leveraged Odoo's cloud-based architecture, providing Unipharm with anytime, anywhere access to critical business data, fostering improved decision-making.

4. Data Trust: Odoo's data integrity and validation features addressed Unipharm's concerns about data accuracy, instilling confidence
