
CODA is a file format for bank statements in Belgium. Most Belgian banks, as well as the Isabel software, allows to download a CODA file with all your bank statements.

With Odoo, you can download an CODA file from your bank or accounting software and import it directly in Odoo. This will create all bank statements.


Test now the feature with this sample CODA file



If you have installed the Belgian Chart of Account provided with Odoo, the CODA import feature is already installed by default. In such a case, you can move directly to the next section Import your first coda file

If CODA is not activated yet, you need to do it first. In the Accounting application, go to the menu Configuration ‣ Settings. From the accounting settings, check the option Import of Bank Statements in .CODA Format and apply.


一旦您已经安装了此功能, 您可以设置你的银行账户允许导入银行对账单文件。要做到这一点, 去会计 仪表板 , 并在银行账户卡上点击按钮 更多 。然后, 点击 导入对账单 来加载你的第一个 CODA 文件。


在下面界面中加载 CODA 文件并点击 导入 来创建你的所有的银行对账单。


如果成功加载该文件, 您会被重定向到银行核对屏幕, 所有的交易会被重新核对。

导入 CODA 文件

在导入了您的第一个文件后, Odoo会计仪表板会自动建议为您的银行导入更多的文件。下一次导入时, 您无需再去点击 更多 按钮, 您可以直接在链接上点击 导入结算单


每当您得到一个新客户/供应商的对账单, Odoo会要求您选择正确的单据去调节。Odoo会学习这个操作信息并自动完成下一个您的付款或自动关联。这将加快调节过程。


Odoo能够自动检测文件或交易是否已经导入。所以您不必担心如何避免重复导入相同的文件 :Odoo将在创建新的银行对账单之前检查全部。