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Hi there,

any up-tp-date webshop offers Autosuggest within it´s search functionality. I was under the impression that this would be one of odoo´s strong suites as the backend search is awesome. Is there any way to add a similar functionality to the frontend?

Additionally it would be nice to have it segmented into areas of interest much like in the backend result lists:



​   ZYT

Which brings me to my next question - what I am also missing is the option to assign a brand to a product. It is one of the most important search criterias for shop-customers. Users need to able to find and navigate through brands and be able have brand pages that behave ore or less exactly like categories.

Categories need an Image, a description and a short-description (much like with the actual products) with the option to add links within the descriptive text. Below each category description it would ne nice to be able to display the subcategories with their respective image and the short description as an overlay.


