Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent with Odoo
Locație: Portal 1 - 07.11.2019, 13:15 - 07.11.2019, 13:35 (US/Pacific) (20 de minute)
Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent with Odoo
Kaylie Kipe, Lead Business Consultant at Hibou
Kaylie Kipe, Lead Business Consultant at Hibou

Kaylie Kipe is the lead business consultant at Hibou, a US-based Odoo Gold Partner. Hibou focuses on sustainable solutions, both out-of-the-box and through custom development, backed by enterprise-level support and user documentation. Hibou is also an avid contributor to the Odoo open-source community though their Hibou Odoo Suite:

Hiring and retaining talent has never been easier when you combine Odoo’s Recruiting, Surveys, Marketing Automation and Sign apps with some handy server actions and Hibou’s Payroll Gamification module! We will walk through the setup of a job position, choosing a recruiting survey that has been tailored to the position and then creating a custom server action that will automatically generate a unique survey URL for each applicant. Once we have our position published, it’s time to let those candidates roll in! With so many potential employees, it’s important for hiring managers to quickly and efficiently identify qualified candidates. So with our custom server action in place, we will then review a Marketing Automation campaign that’s designed to move candidates through the funnel with minimal effort. With an ideal candidate identified, we’ll review the process to onboard them as a new employee using Sign forms to easily provide required documents and keep them organized in Documents. To close out the talk, we’ll touch on an employee retention strategy that utilizes Hibou’s Payroll Gamification module to provide immediate recognition and financial incentive for achieving milestones. This will be followed by Q+A.