Smartclass - Accounting
Luogo: Room 1 - Floor 8 Fountain Plaza - 29/11/23, 09:00 - 29/11/23, 17:00 (US/Eastern) (8 ore)

Unlock the power of Odoo’s all-in-one accounting suite for accurate, real-time reporting, so you can evaluate, plan, pivot, and grow your business.

This smartclass will be held over two days: Tuesday, November 28th and Wednesday November 29th.

Entrance to this smartclass includes breakfast, lunch, and drinks.



This training requires a medium to solid accounting knowledge from a business perspective and a basic knowledge of Odoo.

Why should you attend?

This class is a deep dive into the intricacies behind Odoo’s Accounting application. Here, you’ll enhance your knowledge of multi-company databases, tax configurations, asset management, compliance, and analytic accounting.

On top of the concepts, also learn to harness the power of AI and OCR to eliminate tedious data entry and automate processes so accounting departments experience fewer issues to reconcile at monthly, quarterly, and yearly reporting periods. 

Lastly, you’ll learn how to leverage the dynamic reporting capabilities of Odoo to generate crystal-clear financial statements, effectively communicating your organization's financial health, and, ultimately, help make financial decisions for steady growth.

What will you learn?

- The best practices to switch a company on Odoo
- How to improve your invoicing and billing process
- How to be a paperless company
- How to save time with automated processes
- How to generate cut-off operations
- How to manage your depreciation schedule
- How to work within a multi-company environment 
- How to use the analytic accounting
- How to create your financial reports and so much more


  1. Morning Day 1: Database setup
  2. Morning Day 1: How to start accounting?
  3. Afternoon Day 1: Accounting highlights 17
  4. Afternoon Day 1: Analytic accounting
  5. Afternoon Day 1: OCR
  6. Morning Day 2: Payment management & Follow-up
  7. Morning Day 2: Advanced reconciliation
  8. Afternoon Day 2: Stock valuation
  9. Afternoon Day 2: Smart reporting
  10. Afternoon Day 2: Asset