Opening Keynote - Unveiling Odoo 16
Fabien PinckaersDone
The Road to a Long-term Sales & Marketing Strategy
Marco Angelo Villari & Mathieu WanderscheidDone
The right way to do an ROI Analysis
Marie WillemynsDone
Why Odoo is the right solution for Mid-market company?
Thibo MignonDone
Roadmap to a Successful Partnership - for new partners
Leticia BastosDone
What are Odoo Roadshows and why is it interesting for partners to sponsor such events?
Alessandra Mogalle & Elli NopanenDone
The Odoo Implementation Methodology
Catherine Vieslet & Victorine TherasseDone
Boost your implementation through our partners' services
Chloé VandenhoveDone
Ask Me Anything with Odoo's Founder
Fabien PinckaersDone
How to recruit and scale your Odoo team for long term success as an Odoo partner
Samuel GreenDone
Marco has been working at Odoo for almost 3 years now. He has gained experience in sales in different companies before joining us in the Customer Success Management Team following existing clients' implementations in Italy and Spain. Now, as a Key Account Manager, he is focusing on sales and business development strategies to help his partners to grow, advising them and getting his hands dirty by working closely with them to achieve common goals.
Donat has joined Odoo for now more than 4 years. He has been working closely with our network of partners, helping them increase their sales and developing their business strategy. He's now helping our Key partners from Belgium, Luxembourg, and France grow and reach the next level.
This talk is addressed to Partners who are looking for solutions to scale up their company.
There are different paths you can carry out to grow your organization according to your business model and your company maturity.
In this talk we will put the stress on the external type of solutions available for partners to grow.
Are you struggling with scaling up your business and reaching the next level?
Then this talk is for you. Come and listen to successful partners sharing their experience.