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What is Odoo (Ecosystem, Business Model, Product, and Vision)
Ubicación: Main Hall - 5/11/19, 11:30 - 5/11/19, 12:20 (US/Pacific) (50 minutos)
What is Odoo (Ecosystem, Business Model, Product, and Vision)
Yosiat Gimbernard, Head of Product Communications
Head of Product Communications
Yosiat Gimbernard, Head of Product Communications
Head of Product Communications

Yosiat is a seasoned sales and public speaking professional and heads up the product presentations at Odoo. He travels all over the Americas getting his audiences excited about Odoo's unique value proposition. He delights customers and partners alike with live demonstrations of the product and in-depth conversations. Yosiat speaks various languages and loves to connect with people from all over the world. 

Would you like to know why Odoo is the largest open source ERP software company in the world? This talk will dive right in and demystify all the pieces that makeup Odoo. You will learn our origin story and how it all began, as well as, what our current ecosystem looks like. Moreover, we will discuss in greater detail our current business model and our vision for the future. Come learn more about what we are all about and why more than 4 million users around the world choose Odoo.