Orel Corporation Pvt Ltd

Orel Corporation Pvt Ltd

Orange Electric is the industry leader, having established itself over 3 decades ago and enjoying well over 80% market share.The flagship brand of the company, "ORANGE" enjoys market leadership and is distributed through a vast network of dealers and distributors and covers the entirety of the island. With strengths in manufacturing, distribution and Engineering product development, the Orange Electric is already established in the region with offices and distributors in Worldwide. 

The Odoo V12 ERP implementation for Orel Corporation is directly aligned to Orel objectives in order to handle their international business's. Nisus Solutions has identified Account, Purchases, Inventory, Sales, CRM and POS Modules,Website Builder,Email Marketing,Employee,Project and Attendance Modules are suitable to handle their daily operations.Real time reports and dashboards for management also developed in order to provide MIS reports.