Ong Houseware

Ong Houseware

Company name:  PT Ketroasta YongPrima (Ong Houseware)

Location: Bekasi-West Java, Indonesia

Industry:  Retail

Size of the company > 55 employees

Business process model: Retails and supply chain

Integration to third-party: Marketplaces (Tokopedia, Lazada & Shopee)

Number of Odoo Users >10 in the first place

Main Apps implemented: POS, Purchasing, Sales order, Inventory and Accounting

Implementation type: On-premise

Product competitors during bidding: Odoo

Ong Houseware is a company engaged in trading / retail. At Ong Houseware we provide quality electronic & non-electronic goods according to your needs at low prices and the best service. Ong Houseware can do compete selling goods with low prices and good quality.


Implementing Odoo

Odoo decided to be used in Ong to replace two system (Rene for retail and Accurate for their finance and inventory). The main pain of current situation is their system is not integrated each other and performance of accurate is very slow. After reviewing some product then Ong decided to select Odoo and engage with us as partner.

In the first place that Ong is try to adopt vanilla(standard) implementation. Once there is a gap (small one) then agreed to changes the requirement according change request specification.   By having Odoo, Ong will use system which integration with another department. The integration with third-party is with Indonesia marketplaces /ecommerce such Tokopedia, Shopee and Lazada.