Alvestad Marin AS
Alvestad Marin is a leading supplier of products and system solutions to the aquaculture industry. They have developed, patented, and commercialized unique solutions.The company focuses primarily on innovative solutions for hatcheries and fry production.
Its products are currently leading in these areas across all salmon-producing countries and are established with a subsidiary in Chile.
Hydrolift is a premium boat manufacturer for the private and professional sector. Today, Hydrolift maintains production in Fredrikstad, where it started in 1985.Innovation, design and performance are at the foundation of every Hydrolift boat. Designed and built in Norway, the boat range gives the customers a lifetime of exceptional performance and efficiency. Fabricación
JM Hansen AS
I nesten 100 år har vi i JM Hansen vært et lokomotiv i Nord-Norge. Vår grunnlegger, Johan Martin Hansen, var i 1925 blant de første til å tilby elektrifisering av fiskeflåter. Johan dro Tromsø inn i den moderne verden – og dette er noe vi med stolthet jobber for å opprettholde hver dag. FabricaciónPure Salmon Kaldnes AS
Former Kruger Kaldnes is now part of Pure Salmon, a global leader within land based salmon farming. They design and build complete land based aqua culture facilities, founded on their advanced Recirculating Aquatic System Technology. They are using Odoo to manage their global project portfolio. FabricaciónStrai Kjøkken AS
Strai Kjøkken is headquartered in Strai, just outside Kristiansand, where they have both production and administration under one roof. Strai Kjøkken delivers over 4,000 functional and stylish quality kitchens annually.The company has 13 owned stores and a well-managed dealer network across Southern, Eastern, and Western Norway. The flagship Strai Kjøkken Kristiansand is Norway's largest of its kind, with an area of 1,550 m². Strai Kjøkken currently employs over 170 skilled employees across production, administration, and stores.