Gérer les commandes Amazon dans Odoo

Synchronisation des commandes

Les commandes sont automatiquement récupérées d’Amazon et synchronisées dans Odoo à intervalles réguliers. La synchronisation est basée sur le statut Amazon : seules les commandes dont le statut a changé depuis la dernière synchronisation sont récupérées. Pour FBA (expédié par Amazon), seules les commandes expédiées et annulées sont récupérées. Pour FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant), la même chose est faite pour les commandes Unshipped et Canceled. Pour chaque commande synchronisée, une commande client et un client sont créés dans Odoo s’ils ne sont pas encore enregistrés.

When an order is canceled in Amazon and was already synchronized in Odoo, the corresponding sales order is canceled in Odoo. When an order is canceled in Odoo, a notification is sent to Amazon who will mark it as such in Seller Central and notify the customer.


To force the synchronization of an order whose status has not changed since the last synchronization, activate the developer mode, navigate to your Amazon account and modify the date under Orders Follow-up ‣ Last Order Sync. Pick a date anterior to the last status change of the order that you wish to synchronize and save.


To synchronize immediately the orders of your Amazon account switch to developer mode, head to your Amazon account and click on SYNC ORDERS. The same can be done with order cancellations and pickings by clicking on SYNC CANCELLATIONS and SYNC PICKINGS.

Manage deliveries in FBM

When a FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant) order is synchronized in Odoo, a picking is created along with the sales order and the customer. You can either ship all the ordered products to your customer at once or ship products partially by using backorders.

When a picking related to the order is confirmed, a notification is sent to Amazon who will, in turn, notify the customer that the order (or a part of it) is on its way.


Starting from July 2021, Amazon requires that deliveries be provided with a tracking reference. This concerns all marketplaces.

If this is not already done, you need to install the Delivery Costs module in order to provide the tracking reference. There is unfortunately no workaround to comply with this new Amazon policy.


  • If your chosen carrier isn’t one supported by Odoo, you can still create a carrier bearing its name (e.g. create a carrier named Colissimo). This name is case insensitive, but be careful about typos, as Amazon won’t recognize them.

  • Create a delivery carrier named Self Delivery to inform Amazon that you make your own deliveries. You still have to enter a tracking reference.

  • Keep in mind that the customer is notified by email about the delivery, and the carrier and tracking reference are displayed in the email to the customer.

Suivi des livraisons en FBA

When a FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) order is synchronized in Odoo, a stock move is recorded for each sales order item so that it is saved in your system. Inventory managers can find such moves in Inventory ‣ Reporting ‣ Product Moves. They pick up products in a specific inventory location called Amazon. This location represents your stock in Amazon’s warehouses and allows you to manage the stock of your products under the FBA program.


To follow your Amazon (FBA) stock in Odoo, you can make an inventory adjustment after replenishing it. You can also trigger an automated replenishment from reordering rules on the Amazon location.


The Amazon location is configurable by Amazon account managed in Odoo. All accounts of the same company use the same location by default. It is however possible to follow the stock by marketplace. First, remove the marketplace for which you want to follow the stock separately from the list of synchronized marketplaces. Then, create another registration for this account and remove all marketplaces, except the one to isolate from the others. Finally, assign another stock location to the second registration of your account.

Émettre des factures et enregistrer les paiements

You can issue invoices for Amazon orders in Odoo. Click Create Invoice in the sales order to do so. You can also do it in batch from the list view of orders. Then, confirm and send the invoices to your customers.


Pour afficher uniquement les commandes liées à Amazon dans la vue liste, vous pouvez filtrer les commandes en fonction de l’équipe de vente.

As the customer has paid Amazon as an intermediary, you should register invoice payments in a payment journal dedicated to Amazon (e.g. Amazon Payments, with a dedicated intermediary account). You can do the same with the vendor bill received from Amazon and dedicated to commissions. When you receive the balance on your bank account at the end of the month and record your bank statements in Odoo, you simply credit the Amazon intermediary account by the amount received.

Suivez vos ventes Amazon dans les rapports de ventes

As a sales team is set on your account under the tab Order Follow-up, this helps you give quick glances at the figures in just a few clicks in Sales reporting. By default, your account’s sales team is shared between all of your company’s accounts.

Si vous souhaitez, vous pouvez modifier l’équipe de vente de votre compte pour exécuter un état distinct pour les ventes de ce compte.


It is also possible to perform reporting on a per-marketplace basis in a similar fashion. First, remove the marketplace you wish to track separately from the list of synchronized marketplaces. Then, create another registration for this account and remove all marketplaces, except the one to isolate from the others. Finally, assign another sales team to one of the two registrations of your account.

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