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Reality Code
7438, Abdulaziz Al Arifi, 3847, Al Rabie Dist.
13315 Riyadh
Arabia Saudita
+966 9200 03681
IT / Comunicare

Reality Code

RCC is a Saudi technology company that provides innovative automated solutions to real-world business problems.
Over 200 years of experience in one place strives to be a role model in the Saudi and Gulf markets in providing solutions to real-world business problems and applying the best practices in business transformation and human-centered design principles that translate expectations into tangible reality.
Module-based Professional Business Analysts, Sophisticated Developers, Quality assurance, and UX Designers, working together through a participatory and integrated structure along with our sister company, which specializes in Cyber ​​Security filed; to deliver a unique value to your business.

Our Services: 

We offer a variety of specialized and professional services, which fits our customer’s needs

ERP Implementation 

We understand the complexity and abrupt changes of today’s businesses; and we are aware of the failure rate in ERPs projects, driven by global standard best practices and approaches, and through our partnership with Odoo, the fastest-growing open-source ERP, we are able to deliver our client's a success all-in-one localized solutions that consider their ability to grow and facilitate their work.

Software Development

Our expert business analysts along with our technical team are devoted to understanding and identifying your business needs and turning them into effective web-based customized solutions. We conduct a thorough analysis to detect the technical specifications required. Accordingly, we provide you with the solution that best suits your budget and deadline. 

Website design and development 

We are aware of the website's importance as they promote the corporate image, additionally, it's the first contact with potential clients. Consequently, we continuously work to offer you the best user experience design based on research and human-centered design approaches to representing your brand in the most ideal way! Whether you have your own website and you need to revamp it or want to build it from scratch, we are always here!

Developing Mobile Applications 

Developing Mobile Applications, where individuals have all of the businesses they like to interact with within their pockets. we pay attention to the smallest detail and help you run your business and reach your customers wherever you are.  Our team of professional specialists provides an exceptional experience based on our solid knowledge of user experience design (e.g, user research, usability testing, and more).


We are aware of the urgency of your projects and the confidentiality of your data, so we provide a tailor-made team of experts on demand. They will take over the work and help you meet the ever-changing business circumstances. In a stress-free process, we will look after every single detail from the nomination until the onboarding.


EcoSAS International
ecoSAS International is a leading Light Current system & ICT Solutions integrator in the Egypt which founded with Al-Alameya Group founders in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. By combining our Experience with best-of-breed systems and project management, we are able to deliver turn-key solutions into different Market Sector.

By combining our Experience with best-of-breed systems and project management, we are able to deliver turn-key solutions into different Market Sector.
Elaf Group KSA
ADVANCED ELAF supply smart hardware, software, infrastructure, and IT support and help our
client to make successful digital transformation and manage and improve the business
operations and processes.
تأسَست الشركة السعودية لخدمات الضمان الإسكاني العقارية “ضمانات” كشركة مساهمة مقفلة مملوكة بالكامل لصندوق التنمية العقارية، برأس مال 18,6 مليار ريال، في تاريخ 9 يوليو 2023، مرخصة من البنك المركزي السعودي “ساما
Shield IT
An integrated cyber defense advisory and solutions provider that equips enterprises across Saudi Arabia

with comprehensive threat protection , management , and compliance solutions
Tag Agricultural
شركة تاج الزراعية ومقرها الرياض ،من الشركات الصاعدة في السوق الزراعي السعودي منذ بداية تواجدها عل ارض الواقع منذ ١٠ سنوات
حيث تملك توزيع جغرافي بالمملكة السعودية بواقع ثمانية فروع لتلبية حاجة المزارع من المواد الزراعية على ايدي مهندسين مختصين لمساعدة المزارع للحصول على افضل ربحية وانتاج زراعي
التقنيات الحديثة للزراعة المائية
جمعية البر الخيرية ببني يزيد تهدف إلى توثيق مبدأ التكافل الاجتماعي بين أفراد المجتمع، من خلال تقديم الخدمات الاجتماعية والاغاثية والتأهيلية وخلق فرص في الاستثمار الاجتماعي المتخصصة للأسر الفقيرة والمتعففة والايتام وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة والارامل والمطلقات وأسرهم.
رحال الدولية للعطور ومستحضرات التجميل
رحال هي مؤسسة سعودية تأسست في عام 1999 في العطور، وفي عام 2005 قامت مؤسسة بإنشاء مصنع باسم رحال الدولية للعطور ومستحضرات التجميل ويقوم بتنفيذ جميع متطلبات العملاء في العطور ومستحضرات التجميل
شركة المصنع المتحد للمستلزمات الكهربائية

تأسست الشركة المتحدة للمحولات الكهربائية في عام 2001م كشركة ذات مسئولية محدودة تتبع مجموعة بوان التجارية، ونجحت خلال السنوات القليلة الماضية في ترسيخ وجودها وبسط ريادتها في قطاع تصنيع المحولات الكهربائية على الساحات المحلية والإقليمية والدولية. وتمثل الشركة المتحدة ثمرة تعاون مشترك وبنّاء بين كل من مجموعة "بوان" التجارية وشركة "ويلسون" للمحولات الكهربائية التي تأسست قبل أكثر من ثمانية عقود ماضية وتعتبر واحدة من أكثر الشركات الأسترالية عراقة في هذا المجال.