Acara Odoo Experience 2024 dimulai pada 2 Okt 2024 09.00.00 (Europe/Brussels)
Smartclass - Introduction to Studio
30/09/24 09.00 - 30/09/24 17.00 (Europe/Brussels) (8 jam)

Studio Customization 101: Innovation for Beginners

Uncover the mysteries of Studio with experts.

This smartclass will be held over two days: Monday September 30th and Tuesday October 1st.
Entrance to this smartclass includes breakfast, lunch and drinks during the two days.

Prerequisites: None (but having already used Odoo will make everything clearer)

Welcome to our beginner-friendly class, where you will embark on an exciting journey into the world of customization using Studio. In this course, participants with little to no prior experience will learn the fundamentals of Studio, a powerful customization tool.

Throughout the class, you will gain hands-on experience with Studio's user-friendly interface and discover its versatile features. From basic customization techniques to personalized automation rules, this smartclass is designed to provide a solid foundation for beginners interested in exploring the customization possibilities of Studio.

Topics covered include:

  • Getting Started with Studio:
    • Overview of the Studio interface
    • Navigating tools and menus
  • Basic Customization Techniques:
    • Fields
    • Views
    • Reports
  • Adding Personal Touch:
    • Automations
    • Access Rights

By the end of this class, you will have the confidence and skills to navigate Studio effortlessly, allowing you to bring your creative visions to life. Join us on this beginner-friendly exploration of Studio customization and unleash your creativity!

Note that if you have already done multiple projects with Studio, this task might not align with your level of proficiency.