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Optimizing Inter-Company Order Management: Deep Dive into Tracking, Balancing, and Sharing Across Companies in Odoo
Functional Community Talk
Lieu : Hall 7.B - 10/11/2023 12:00 - 10/11/2023 12:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Optimizing Inter-Company Order Management: Deep Dive into Tracking, Balancing, and Sharing Across Companies in Odoo
Cecilie Barreto
Director of Implementation North America à Sodexis, Inc.
Cecilie Barreto
Director of Implementation North America à Sodexis, Inc.

Cecilie Barreto, the Director of Implementation North America at Sodexis, is a seasoned leader in the Odoo landscape. With a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Central Florida, she brings over 5 years of dedicated Odoo experience to her role. Cecilie is driven by a passion for optimizing accounting practices within Odoo and has become a trusted resource for refining implementation processes. Her expertise continues to shape Sodexis and its clients, making her a driving force in the world of Odoo implementation.

Get an in-depth look at the powerful capabilities of Odoo's dedicated Inter-Company Management settings and learn how to leverage these features to harness its full potential in enhancing collaboration and financial transparency.

Key Highlights:
1. Maximizing Odoo's Inter-Company Management Settings:
Learn how to configure Odoo’s base settings to meet your organization's unique needs.
2. Navigating the Full Span of the Order Lifecycle:
Discover how to effectively monitor inter-company orders from creation to fulfillment, ensuring real-time visibility into each stage.
3. Balancing Inter-Company Accounts with Precision:
Uncover strategies for reconciling your inter-company accounts, including but not limited to your inter-company accounts payable and receivable, seamlessly within Odoo. You'll gain insights into mitigating discrepancies and fostering a transparent financial ecosystem.
4. Shared Expense Allocation:
Learn how to allocate shared expenses smartly and transparently, and to simplify intricate multi-step processes.

Since 2012, Sodexis has been a full-service Odoo Implementation Partner, with a Consulting and Development team focused on maximizing customers’ ROI and user experience. Sodexis is one of the longest-tenured implementation Odoo Partners in the US and recently opened offices in Switzerland & France. Sodexis brings a wealth of experience and valuable expertise to its clients, having successfully implemented over 75 projects and built hundreds of custom applications. More info: https://sodexis.com/