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Handling complex Manufacturing of multi-level BoMs with many product variants.
Customer Success Story Community Talk
Lieu : Hall 10.A - 08/11/2023 11:30 - 08/11/2023 12:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Handling complex Manufacturing of multi-level BoMs with many product variants.
Markus Willimann
Business Analyst IT à DECTRIS AG
Markus Willimann
Business Analyst IT à DECTRIS AG

With over a decade of experience within Dectris, Markus Willimann was the project lead during the migration project to Odoo 15.

Currently, he is a Member of a self-organised team called Business Systems, responsible for business tools and processes.

As such, he brings together people, processes and business tools to master the challenges in a high-tech manufacturing environment.

Before joining DECTRIS Ltd., Markus Willimann held the position of Beamline Engineer at the Paul Scherrer Institute, where he made significant contributions to the Swiss Light Source (Synchrotron) in Villigen for almost nine years.

Through his diverse roles, Markus Willimann continues to exemplify expertise and dedication in his field.


In the world of high-tech manufacturing, Dectris stands out as a prime example of efficiency and adaptability.
By harnessing the power of Odoo's adaptability, Dectris has elevated its manufacturing process to new heights.
At the heart of this success story lie two crucial learnings.

First, Dectris has effectively mastered the management of complex Bill of Materials (BoMs) that span an impressive 6-8 sub-assembly levels.
This intricate hierarchy demands meticulous control, and Odoo's robust features provide the foundation for their success.

Secondly, Dectris has triumphed in streamlining an extensive product variant catalog, housing thousands of attributes and combinations.
Such a vast catalog is notoriously overwhelming, but Dectris has optimized its strucure so that users can navigate through it effortlessly. 

The story of Dectris is a source of inspiration, showcasing how Odoo can navigate intricate BoMs and extensive product variants with ease.

Today, with Odoo as their ally, they aim to rise above complexity and thrive in the competitive world of high-tech manufacturing.


Key learnings:
- Effectively handling Bill of Materials (BoMs) with 6-8 sub-assembly levels.
- Streamlining a vast product variant catalog encompassing thousands of attributes and combinations.

Added Value for the Target Audience:
- High-complexity MRP example, offering inspiration and demonstrating Odoo's capabilities.
- Example on how to transform a complex functionality into a user-friendly feature (variant catalog)

Target Audience:
- High-tech, manufacturing companies seeking efficient manufacturing solutions,
- Companies using multi-steps BoMs and complex variant catalog.