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MyOdoo: new features of the BHC mobile app
Location: Studio 4 - 10/1/20, 4:00 PM - 10/1/20, 4:30 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
MyOdoo: new features of the BHC mobile app
Jonathan Vanhumbeeck
Project Manager & Mobile developer at BHC
Jonathan Vanhumbeeck
Project Manager & Mobile developer at BHC

Jonathan Vanhumbeeck is a Project Manager & Mobile developer at BHC. In the last 6 years he has been focusing on MyOdoo mobile app as a product owner. He takes part in complex mobile implementation which require deep knowledge on UX, UI and software architecture.

Already using Odoo? Then you'll be impressed by the MyOdoo app! 

MyOdoo is much more than just an interface designed to be used on a mobile or tablet. MyOdoo creates a new way to use Odoo from a mobile device. See directly which customer is calling with the address book synchronization. Automatically create your expense notes from your GPS calculated route, scan a barcode with your phone’s camera or dictate text to create a note. These are just a few examples of what you can do with MyOdoo. 

MyOdoo redefines the way to use business applications and lets you manage your business in an efficient way. Whether you’re connected or not, whether you’re using a smartphone or a tablet. Wherever you are, whenever you want. MyOdoo has more than 70.000 users all over the world. Try it now.


On which mobile platform is MyOdoo available?
What is the main purpose of MyOdoo Field Service?