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Odoo Smart BIOTECH
Industry Demo
Location: Studio 8 - 10/1/20, 7:30 PM - 10/1/20, 8:00 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Odoo Smart BIOTECH
Nicolas Denis
Head of Sales and Business Unit Manager at Idealis Consulting
Nicolas Denis
Head of Sales and Business Unit Manager at Idealis Consulting

Idealis consulting accompanies its clients in their innovation strategy and guarantees them a digital transformation. 

Since 2007, Idealis consulting has been supporting the growth of its customers by implementing an ERP solution. Our expertise is the custom development of this software to meet the specific needs of the company and the sector of activity in which it is active. The quality of our work is measured by improved operational performance, cost reduction and alignment of IT resources with strategy. 

Idealis consulting currently specializes in three business sectors: Food Delivery, Smart Biotech and Manufacturing Industries. This sector expertise with 12 years of experience allows our clients active in this sector to benefit from an optimized implementation of the software with a personalized follow-up, to reduce the costs related to the customization of the software as well as to benefit from a fast implementation of the software. 


During this presentation, we will have the pleasure to detail the new features of our Smart Biotech solution: an integrated management tool specifically developed by the Idealis Consulting team to meet the needs of companies active in the biotechnology sector. 

Concretely, Smart Biotech supports our clients in the growth of their activities, from R&D activities, through production, to marketing. 

The demo will allow you to discover the key functionalities that effectively meet our clients' requirements in terms of traceability, quality, inventory management, budget tracking and e-commerce. 

These specific elements complete the Odoo standard and will be illustrated through 3 success stories with our customers. 

Our Smart Biotech solution guarantees a quick start at lower costs. Our team accompanies you throughout the implementation by taking care of the data integration and the training of your employees. Our objective is to develop your autonomy as much as possible. In addition to a helpdesk service, a dedicated consultant visits you every month for optimal support in a real local relationship.


What is the major innovation that SmartBiotech solution brings to quality management?
Thanks to the SB solution you can optimise the frequency of the quality controls by using the "dynamic frequency" option on the control points. How does it work?
With SmartBiotech, Odoo will select automatically the raw materials to be consumed in a manufacturing order based on available stock. What is the name of this new feature: