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Master your Odoo Digital Campaigns!
Demo Functional
Location: Studio 4 - 9/30/20, 5:30 PM - 9/30/20, 6:00 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Master your Odoo Digital Campaigns!
Jessica Belloc
Business Advisor at Odoo
Jessica Belloc
Business Advisor at Odoo

Business Analyst at Odoo for over a year, she's passionate about new technologies and digital enablers. Jessica has over 4 years of digital experience. Coming from a consulting world, she diversified her experience helping various clients to increase their business revenues by boosting their online marketing strategy.

Whether your goal is to sell a new product, explain the value of your services or advertise your event, a campaign helps you to connect with your marketplace. They normally involve multiple channels, such as mass mailing, social media, push notifications, SMSs and automated actions.

In this talk, you will learn how to manage your campaigns with Odoo. Plan, execute, track, and analyze your content in a centralized and efficient way.

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In Odoo, what are the 3 activity types you can use when launching an marketing automation campaign?
What functionality is commonly used to easily design amazing content?
Which one of new features will give you insight on initial results?