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Stand Out From the Crowd by Engaging Your Community: Odoo Social
Demo Functional
Location: Studio 4 - 9/30/20, 6:00 PM - 9/30/20, 6:30 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Stand Out From the Crowd by Engaging Your Community: Odoo Social
Jessica Belloc
Business Advisor at Odoo
Jessica Belloc
Business Advisor at Odoo

Business Analyst at Odoo for over a year, Jessica is passionate about new technologies and digital enablers and has over 4 years of digital experience. Coming from a consulting world, she diversified her experience helping several clients to increase their business revenues by boosting their online marketing strategies.

Social Media plays a big part when it comes to engaging with a community. And, it might feel like a full-time job having to manage different pages and keeping track of KPIs. Well, this is when Odoo Social Marketing comes into play! In this talk, you will learn how to manage your social accounts, from the creation of content to analyzing results and keeping track of sales generated from that content. Join us!


Why should you share valuable content on social media platforms?
What functionality allows you to live speak to your website visitors?