الفعالية Odoo Experience 2024 يبدأ في 02‏/10‏/2024 9:00:00 ص (Europe/Brussels)
Smartclass - Odoo Web Framework
30‏/9‏/2024 9:00 ص - 30‏/9‏/2024 5:00 م (Europe/Brussels) (8 ساعات)

This smartclass will be held over two days: Monday September 30th and Tuesday October 1st.
Entrance to this smartclass includes breakfast, lunch and drinks during the two days. 


This training assumes that attendees have an intermediate knowledge Odoo in general. Also, a basic knowledge of the
Javascript language is necessary.

Why to attend

Attending this training will give you all the background
knowledge and skills necessary to work on the Odoo javascript codebase. It is an opportunity to
- learn the main ideas and principles behing Odoo,
- customize and adapt the code to your specific needs,
- understand how to organize your code in a way that scales to your needs!

What will you learn

During these two days, we will cover all the basics of the
javascript framework, including components, hooks, services
or assets management. We will work together to accomplish
many development tasks, designed to explore many of the powerful features of Odoo. This includes services, rpcs,
registries, session and users, routing, views and fields, and
many more...