活动 Odoo Experience 2024 开始 2024年10月2日 上午9:00:00 (Europe/Brussels)
Smartclass - Build an App in 2 Days
2024/9/30 上午9:00 - 2024/9/30 下午5:00 (Europe/Brussels) (8小时)

This smartclass will be held over two days: Monday September 30th and Tuesday October 1st.
Entrance to this smartclass includes breakfast, lunch and drinks during the two days.

This technical training workshop is designed to provide participants with hands-on experience in developing a multi-faceted app using the Odoo framework. Here's a breakdown of the key elements:

Workshop Overview

Approach: Hands-on, Group-based

Project: Real-life problem-solving app


  1. Be comfortable with Git, and have a GitHub account set up so that you can push changes to a GitHub repository (this typically involves setting up an ssh key, make sure this is in order before the training)
  2. Be able to independently complete the Odoo tutorial: Odoo Developer Tutorials (https://www.odoo.com/documentation/master/developer/tutorials.html).
  3. Have experience or be comfortable developing with the Odoo framework, either frontend or backend. This project will be an opportunity to sharpen your skills in areas you’re less comfortable with but we expect you to be able to develop simple features independently.
  4. Have your laptop setup to run Odoo locally, preferably on Linux, ideally from source with an up to date copy of the Odoo repository. 

Why attend

You want to scale in your development, the complexity of your development on Odoo is growing. You want to go from a single-developer team to a multi-skilled dev team, this training is for you.

Instructors will be experienced member’s of Odoo’s R&D department that work on Odoo’s core functionalities, and they will be able to provide you with feedback and pointers to optimize your development workflow and avoid falling into common pitfalls.

What will you learn

  1. Gain practical experience in collaborative app development within a group of 4.
  2. Learn and apply less commonly used features (hidden gems) of the Odoo framework.
  3. Understand and implement best practices of Odoo development, including the use of mixins and integration with external APIs.
  4. Explore multi-company features and the latest changes in the Odoo framework.
  5. Gain insight about collaborative Odoo development.


  1. First 2 hours: Setup and Individual Task
    1. Participants set up their local environment.
    2. Verify correct setup by completing a small task on a project branch.
  2. Collective Work on Project over two days
    1. Collaborative development within groups of 4.
    2. Regular merging on a single branch for collective progress.
  3. Last 2 hours: Presentation and Feedback
    1. One representative from each group presents the project.
    2. Group feedback and discussion.

You will also be able to receive more in-depth personalized feedback from the smartclass’ instructors in the weeks following the smartclass by creating a Pull Request (PR) with the group's main branch on a provided repository.


  1. Repository Management:
    1. Each group will be provided a dedicated repository (forked from a training/tutorial).
    2. Repositories will be created in advance by the instructors, with group members added as admins on the first day.
  2. Odoo.sh Integration:
    1. Each group will be provided with an Odoo.sh project linked to their GitHub repository.
    2. Group members will be added as admins on the first day.